You can. Just first double click the category, then pick what you want, and make sure select "creating a new rule" . :)
Mint partners with Yodlee, the leading provider of
online banking services to major banks for more than 10 years,..
what's yodlee? Can you use it directly? I have used fidelity full view before, it seems it's one of yodlee's partner. But it's not as convenient as mint.
From wiki: "Rather than market their services directly to consumers, they partner with other institutions so that Yodlee-based services can be offered to their customers. Ameriprise Financial, Inc., Bank of America, HSBC, Fidelity and Wachovia are among the financial institutions which use Yodlee services. "
右下角的money center
it's down now...
看了它的demo确实提供的服务都差不多啊,果然是partner啊. :-p
好像yodlee不是flash based, 可能用起来风格不太一样?反正同类的账户一个就好了,呵呵
右下角的money center
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-2 2:25:22编辑过]
Bank of America online banking has the same budgeting and reporting feature.
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