[求助]被人盗用我的地址开手机账户,最后收到collection agency的威胁信件
2008-08-25 20:14:00
不知道发在这里是否合适,最近有个烦心事,想请教各位。有个滥人用我的地址在sprint开了个账户,账户上用的是他的名字,但是我的地址。显然他从不付帐。我前一阵子就老收到电话账单,打电话给sprint的客服解释了至少3次,他们每次都是道歉,说调查,但没什么下文。现在bill转给了一个collection agency, 他们给我发信说如果不付钱就report to national credit system。我就比较郁闷,我需要做什么事情吗?我肯定要给collection agency回信解释,但这种情况最终会怎样?他们report to credit agencies会对我有影响吗,尽管只是地址一样,名字并不一样。
First of all, send an explanation in writing to Sprint, stating that you are the person residing at this address, not the one they are looking for. And request a written response from Sprint. By law, Sprint is obligated to answer your complaint, maybe in 30 days? I forgot what the limit is.
Second, send a complaint letter to the collection agency, stating that it is an erroneous collection, and you are working with Sprint to clear this matter. Also ask the collection agency to cease all communication with you, as prescribed under the Fair Debt Collection Act (FDCA).
By law, the collection agency must comply and cease contact with you within 30 days of receiving your letter.
keep a copy of everything you send, and mail out the letters certified with return receipt and keep all receipts.
LZ若按2楼MM说的做, 最好选择对方签收的方式邮寄,保留寄信凭证....
再小声问一下 LZ MM, 既然不是你的名字, 为啥不把帐单退回邮局, 说投递错误呢? 纯属好奇呵........
不是你的名字,collection agency也不能report 你啊。这根本就和你没有关系,把所有的账单都退回去。你打开了不是address to 你的信,这才有问题呢。 太对了。
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