(参加活动)小资女理财经+2009 打算
2008-12-20 14:05:00
都说2008 is a difficult year, it's a not bad year for me, I graduated and started to work, 所以钱还多了点。我是时尚和粉饭的常客,my goal for 2009 is to 转战理财版。
My goal is to : Spend less, live better.
1. cosmetic, skincare 自已经有太多彩装(10年都用不完),2009-2010年就不买彩装了,大家也知道彩装多难用完。如果想用新的,就去我好朋友那里拿,或者交换用。skincare:用性价比高的,推荐cetaphil洗面奶,早晨用非常好,既干净,又不刺激,8刀可以用一年。晚上用loreal的cleaner也不错(cvs free after rebate)。loreal 的精华苏也不错(free),其他用estee lauder,and lancome.最近想试试cvs里的skincare,又能省下不少钱。
how to live better? 早睡觉,sleep is very good for skin and is free.
2.clothes I only buy clothes from bananarepublic,since Iused to be an parttime sales there and i can buy clothes at 30%off. my budget is 100 each month, 1200 for next year. for me ,it's very important to buy clothes, and i only buy clothes when they are on sale. Never buy clothes just becasue they are on sale.做到 每件衣服是一件精品。
3。live, 现在的rent 是900。 my goal is to buy a house next year. since I am at northern nj, house price is high, I hope it can drop 10-20% next year. haha.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2008-12-23 0:53:08编辑过]
100 for clothes还是很reasonable的,尤其mm如果还是单身的话。。。。。
100 for clothes还是很reasonable的,尤其mm如果还是单身的话。。。。。
it's my goal, I spent 300-1000 for clothes and bags per month.
and I'm not single
by the way, your son is so cute. is he a mix boy?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-20 23:36:37编辑过]
but I spend too much on bags and deals and I have to stop!
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