2009-01-11 14:41:00
今天在DealSea看到这张革命性的信用卡--Advanta Net-90 Platinum BusinessCard,目前钱包里说有的信用卡都只有20几天的免息时间,或是只在新卡的时候给你一个promotional rate(为期一般不超过一年),没看错吧,这张卡买东西给你革命性的90天免息--0% APR(BT 和Cash Advance不算在内),这种超长的“grace period" 无疑是银行给你买的每一件东西,包括吃的饭都来了个免利息的90天贷款,对于善于理财和花销大的人可是个福音了,可以把原来每个月该还信用卡的钱拿去ING, HSBC之类的高利息savings account 多存个90天吃利息。只要每个月记得还最低payment,和把三个月前的账还清就行了,有一定的挑战性,适合头脑清醒地,理财能力强的人用。如果你有自己的生意的话,也可以增加的cash flow,和资金流动性。另外,这张卡没有年费,还有rewards points, 每一块钱都有一个point.
没有Business的人也可以申请的,Because an individual can be a business too. The type of the business is called a sole proprietorship, which is the simplest business entity. Sole proprietorship is completely legit and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS). In a sole propiretorship, your name is your business name and your SSN is your business Tax ID. Business Type 填 "Proprietorship", Position 填“Owner", Business Name 填自己的名字就行了。还有一个好处就是Business Credit Card不会连累你的个人信用分数,这是分开记的。
Advanta 是一家专门针对小型商业的信贷的银行,主要经营credit card业务,口碑不错。
Apply Link:
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-15 1:33:18编辑过]
下面是摘自这张卡的term and conditon 的fine print,也请各位高人看看是不是那么回事儿,还是俄理解错了
Your account's Variable Rate Index for any billing cycle will be chosen by us from among the Prime Rates published in The Wall Street Journal's "Money Rates" section during the three (3) months prior to the month which contains that cycle's Billing Cycle Closing Date, but will not be less than 5.00%. Your account rate for Purchases and Balance Transfers will be your account's Variable Rate Index plus a Purchase Margin of 10.99%, but a rate of 0.00% will apply to each purchase during the billing cycle in which the purchase is made and the three subsequent billing cycles so long as you make all minimum payments on time, do not exceed your credit limit, and keep your account otherwise in good standing. If you default on the account we will assess the seriousness of the default and may impose a higher rate, such as the standard purchase rate or the default rate, to existing balances and/or new transactions. Your account rate for cash transactions will be the Variable Rate Index plus a Cash Advance Margin of 14.99%, 19.99% or 24.99% based on our assessment of your credit history and creditworthiness. Finance charges on balance transfers and cash advances begin to accrue on the date we process the transaction. Any rate applicable to any component of your account, including any Default rate, will be applied throughout the entire billing cycle which contains the effective date of that rate, and will apply to previous balances as well as new transactions and charges.
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