1. $65.41 is the interest you earned from IRS. Your need to report it on your tax returns.
2. state tax refund is taxable if you used itemized deduction when you filed your 2007 tax returns
3. yes, 1099-r is for you to file tax returns. Box 1 is gross distributions, and box 2a is taxable amount.
那是不是state tax还是不要withhold太多算了,免得到时候refund第二年还要交税?
never mind, found the answer already.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-2 18:52:39编辑过]
1. property tax是不是只有08年底前付出的才可以deduct, 之后的要到下一年才可以deduct? 还有deduct limit是不是只有$1000?
2. donation必须在08年底做的才算吗?还是09年4月前都算?
3. 我跟LG08年各自从IRA里取了10,000用作第一次买房,turbo怎么把这笔钱都算作我们的income了?害得我们AGI过高。。。早知道就不取了。。。
4. 现在这种经济形势下,大家觉得还有必要放traditional IRA吗?
1. property tax是不是只有08年底前付出的才可以deduct, 之后的要到下一年才可以deduct? 还有deduct limit是不是只有$1000?
2. donation必须在08年底做的才算吗?还是09年4月前都算?
3. 我跟LG08年各自从IRA里取了10,000用作第一次买房,turbo怎么把这笔钱都算作我们的income了?害得我们AGI过高。。。早知道就不取了。。。
4. 现在这种经济形势下,大家觉得还有必要放traditional IRA吗?
1. property tax - get the deduction when you paid it. If you paid it in 2008, you get the deductions on your 2008 tax returns. That is why a lot of people paid their state tax estimate and property tax in December.
2. Donation is the same. only get deduction for whatever you donated in 2008
3. if you took out $10K, that is your income for 2008 since that was your deduction on the year you put in the money in your IRA account.. For first home buyer, you do not need to pay the penalty.
4. depends. you can put money in IRA, but do not buy risky stocks/funds.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:45:15编辑过]
刚才看了一下1040,21是other income,list type and amount,
问题是这个是我在08年的only income, 没有其他的收入了.type写啥呀?part time job salary?
normally milage from home to work is not deductable, but some people report some.
If you file a tax return with your spouse, I would put your name and SS# on the type, so it will show on the 1040 page 1. If you are single, you can put temp job or part time job or the company name.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:45:33编辑过]
有种情况是可以有很多supporters但只有一个人可以claim 他们作为dependent,只是代表你support的portion是最大的
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:45:53编辑过]
这个到底应不应该算作我的taxable income 啊?
先谢谢mm 了。
1. property tax - get the deduction when you paid it. If you paid it in 2008, you get the deductions on your 2008 tax returns. That is why a lot of people paid their state tax estimate and property tax in December.
2. Donation is the same. only get deduction for whatever you donated in 2008
3. if you took out $10K, that is your income for 2008 since that was your deduction on the year you put in the money in your IRA account.. For first home buyer, you do not need to pay the penalty.
4. depends. you can put money in IRA, but do not buy risky stocks/funds.
我的最大一笔property tax是1月第一个礼拜交的,早知道早点交了。不过那个是不是有$1000 limit?
12月付state tax estimate 是什么意思啊?
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