谢谢concord. 我也对报税感兴趣,所以想自己报。就像你说的,第一次报,不懂得太多,怕报错。研究了一下jjmm的贴, 好像联邦税有免费的软件,州税就没有了,那州税是不是要去邮局领个表,填了寄去呢?还有搬家的费用报联邦税,就不能报州税了,是吗?多谢多谢。
谢谢concord. 我也对报税感兴趣,所以想自己报。就像你说的,第一次报,不懂得太多,怕报错。研究了一下jjmm的贴, 好像联邦税有免费的软件,州税就没有了,那州税是不是要去邮局领个表,填了寄去呢?还有搬家的费用报联邦税,就不能报州税了,是吗?多谢多谢。
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:51:21编辑过]
谢谢concord. 我也对报税感兴趣,所以想自己报。就像你说的,第一次报,不懂得太多,怕报错。研究了一下jjmm的贴, 好像联邦税有免费的软件,州税就没有了,那州税是不是要去邮局领个表,填了寄去呢?还有搬家的费用报联邦税,就不能报州税了,是吗?多谢多谢。
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:51:38编辑过]
This should be on your W-2 if they do it right. When you file your tax returns, make sure to put it in, fill out form 3903. The amount you put in for actual expenses is better to be more than what the company paid you.
you can include your travel expenses too.
yes, I am an accountant, but not CPA (too lazy to prepare for the exams).
when you write you property tax check, if you write 12/31/08, you can get the deduction in 2008. never heard of the $1K limit.
Some people need to pay estimate taxes quarterly. Q4 is due 1/15/09. A lot of people will pay state by 12/31, so they can get the deduction in 2008, but still pay Federal by 1/15/09 since there is no tax benefit to pay it early.
Are you still going back to China with your son? Are you able to renew your passport? Too bad I would not able to help you on that.
thanks a lot!
yes, i'm leaving on 2/12. I should be able to renew my passport in china within 2 weeks. so no problem. thanks for asking anyway.
有个联邦税的问题,8833和8843的区别是啥? 我需要claim opt的5k treaty,用8833还是8843? 还有就是那种免费报联邦税的软件,能不能给个link或者名字啥的? 多谢多谢
Claim treaty用8833。免费报联邦税可以用TurboTax,http://turbotax.intuit.com/ 左边第一个选择就是免费的那个。
或者TaxCut http://www.hrblock.com/taxes/products/product.jsp?productId=31
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:51:59编辑过]
第一个好像没听说有退的,这个$3000的deduction并不针对ssn/medicare tax。
第二个,还有child tax credit呀,可以直接从要交的税里扣去一部分的。另外FSA是不用交税的,你可以用里面的钱去交daycare的费用。
我就是听说有这个child tax credit,但是我用的网上软件怎么显示我的credit是0呢?
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