yes, you report it on Schedule A - itemized deductions, line 21. However, you only can get the deduction if you use itemized deduction, also, whatever more than 2% of your adj. gross income is deductable.
For example, your adj. gross income is $100,000, 2% is $2,000. if you spent $3,500, then $1,500 is deductable on your schedule A.
But my worry is it seems that transfer fee supposed to be paid by employer. Since it is against law, can I still claim it in tax return?
Anybody did it?
mm 我得意见是不可以 这个费用不算job related expense
你最好具体查查 instruction
不过如果你没有mortgage 基本上这个用不上
We have mortage and will use itemized deduction.
Even though it is not job related, it is at least legal expense which can be claimed as deduction but subject to 2% AGI limit
Why my calculation ended up no child care credit?
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:57:23编辑过]
Why my calculation ended up no child care credit?
这个要看你自己具体的个人情况了。就像concord mm上面说的,如果你已经放了dependent flexible spending account, 而且只有一个孩子,那就没有child care credit,因为你的FSA(最高5000)有可能已经超过了child care credit的3千块。
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:57:37编辑过]
But my worry is it seems that transfer fee supposed to be paid by employer. Since it is against law, can I still claim it in tax return?
Anybody did it?
不太清楚你指什么是against the law,是指你自己付transfer fee吗?看不出来这为什么是违法的,不过我对h1b相关的东西不懂。但是你确定这是job related expense吗?如果算legal expense的话,你的filing fee, transfer fee 什么的是不算的。只有你真金白银付给律师的费用才能算是legal expense。
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:57:53编辑过]
Why my calculation ended up no child care credit?
Are you both working? If one of you had no income in 2008, you do not get any child care credit.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:58:20编辑过]
请问一个关于 treaty 5000元的问题, 看了前面的信息, 这5000应 填在 1040表的 other income 里 -5000。
可是我用turbo tax 的 online free edtion, 不知道应该往哪填呀?
恩,绝大多数软件都不包括treaty。我以前用turbo tax的时候是直接把w2里的收入减5000,算好的表打出来,再加一张手填的表专门说明treaty,邮寄出去的
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:58:55编辑过]
恩,绝大多数软件都不包括treaty。我以前用turbo tax的时候是直接把w2里的收入减5000,算好的表打出来,再加一张手填的表专门说明treaty,邮寄出去的
我的理解是Form 8833就可以。
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-2-4 19:59:15编辑过]
我08年前半年是H1,后半年F1,不知道可不可以和我老公一起file resident?
如果不能的话,是不是要file NZ dual?
考古了一下大部分情况都是F1到H1,像我这样H1 to F1的不知道如何处理?
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