收到chase freedom 的0 APR BT的邀请信,正好8月份要交秋季的学费了,想开了这个chase,然后先用手上已有的CC把学费缴了,之后把这些卡上的balance转到chase上去,就不用chase这张卡,每个月付清minimum payment,这样就完成了一次BT,是吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-29 23:25:02编辑过]
i've doen bt but all for credit cards.
usually i get chase or discover that has promotion for 0% apr bt. most of them charge 3%. max for $50 or $75 depends on the offer. sometimes you get no bt fee but that's rare.
AND I ALWAYS THROW AWAY THE ONES SAY 0% APR FOR PURCHASES. but today i happened to look at the capital one letter i got in the mail. it says 0% for purchase.. and i happened to read the "important disclosures" part which has all the interest rate or finance charge information. it says.. BT apr is same for purchases.. and BT fee: none!!! kaka so i applied
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