其实一个月 $20 (unlimited data ) 我觉得还可以, 不算贵.
如果可以等 等第二代吧, 到时应该有 3G, 加上 GPS 功能等..........
BTW,两个人是不是40/月for data plan?
VMW 我一直都不敢追
上个星期五放了YHOO, 因为不看好它的earnings, 不敢留着, 后悔呀
不过INTC, YHOO, IBM 等全部earnings 今天都不错, 明天应该会带好high tech 股.
BTW,两个人是不是40/月for data plan?
看看这个, 有family talk plans + data plans
第二代应该2008年初吧, 我猜
quick money quick go.
the best way to make money is hold on a stock, goes up every 2 dollars, then comes back a dollar, and up 2 dollars, then comes back a dollar. over long period of time. maybe double in 2 years. you sleep at night, no worries. very boring but the best way.
VMW i won't dare to hold over a week. i will always be worried when the bubble will burst. yes,it may shoot to 500 before it comes back, but it may burst tomorrow. Do i want to be the one holding the bag? No. Am i naive to think there will be a bigger fool? no.
DT is ok for VMW tho. lots of volatility if you know how to profit from it. but, trust me, i have not seen very many ppl able to do it over long time. DT traders often burn out in few years. You have not seen a DT guru like Warren Buffet still working at 80s, huh?
quick money quick go.
the best way to make money is hold on a stock, goes up every 2 dollars, then comes back a dollar, and up 2 dollars, then comes back a dollar. over long period of time. maybe double in 2 years. you sleep at night, no worries. very boring but the best way.
VMW i won't dare to hold over a week. i will always be worried when the bubble will burst. yes,it may shoot to 500 before it comes back, but it may burst tomorrow. Do i want to be the one holding the bag? No. Am i naive to think there will be a bigger fool? no.
DT is ok for VMW tho. lots of volatility if you know how to profit from it. but, trust me, i have not seen very many ppl able to do it over long time. DT traders often burn out in few years. You have not seen a DT guru like Warren Buffet still working at 80s, huh?
Put in this way, WB could lose his pants if he started to do DT...lol
Put in this way, WB could lose his pants if he started to do DT...lol
hehe,, i'd like to put in this way, i never saw a 80 years old DT trader... i guess he lost his pants long time ago
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