my CPA said there is no tax benefit for 529. We still need to pay federal income tax even we buy 529. Is it true?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 9:34:23编辑过]
以下是引用wendychen2000us在2008-7-16 19:01:00的发言:
my CPA said there is no tax benefit for 529. We still need to pay federal income tax even we buy 529. Is it true?
my CPA said there is no tax benefit for 529. We still need to pay federal income tax even we buy 529. Is it true?
i assume he means 529 is after-tax contribution,
which means, the money you put into 529 has already
been paid tax.
some investment, like traditional IRA, you are allowed
to do pre-tax contribution..
以下是引用rabbitbowchou在2008-7-17 9:34:00的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 9:34:23编辑过]
50 bucks/month is not bad for beginning, think about at least 10 more years
before your kids go to college,
also the potential salary increase in the future, you can always increase your
contribution down the road.
以下是引用南开阿飞在2008-7-17 10:21:00的发言:
50 bucks/month is not bad for beginning, think about at least 10 more years
before your kids go to college,
also the potential salary increase in the future, you can always increase your
contribution down the road.
50 bucks/month is not bad for beginning, think about at least 10 more years
before your kids go to college,
also the potential salary increase in the future, you can always increase your
contribution down the road.
感謝阿飛大人給我跟lg信心...看樣子我們哪天是真的得要去銀行坐坐了....一直想開個joint account....還想成立退休基金跟教育基金...我跟lg都快30了,他比我小一歲,第一寶寶明年誕生...一切都得要開始計畫了...
以下是引用rabbitbowchou在2008-7-17 10:34:00的发言:
感謝阿飛大人給我跟lg信心...看樣子我們哪天是真的得要去銀行坐坐了....一直想開個joint account....還想成立退休基金跟教育基金...我跟lg都快30了,他比我小一歲,第一寶寶明年誕生...一切都得要開始計畫了...
good luck... i m just a financial rep, not something big....
any one from houston area, i can handle 529 need.
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