Thanks a lot, Icy.
I actually have not received 1042S from my school. Does it means the treaty has not been deducted from my income and I will need to file 1042NR and 8843 together and don't neet 1042s ?
不过后面要求写那个ARTICLE XX的地方写上ARTICLE X,(具体名字忘了,汗~),最后也报的没问题
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-26 0:08:51编辑过]
Ihave a question: last year I changed status from F2 to F1 in US, now, I am fellow, I am wondering if I am eligible forfellow tax treaty benefits ? I need fill in 1040-NR? I have no W-2, only 1042s . I am waiting for your response.....thanks!
有几个疑问.我07年一月转的H1,所以06年全年都是F1身份.填1040NR.因为有moving expenses.
1.是不是我06年的所有利息(CD,eSaving etc.)收入.都是tax exempt interests?
2.1040NR page 5: other information.
D:current nonimmigrant status and data of change. 这个我应该填我现在的H1,还是06年底的F1?
3.还想确认一下我需要填的Federal Tax表: 1040NR, 8843(这个有点晕, 因为1040NR的instruction中没有提到8843, 倒是提到另一个表8833), 3903(moving).
06年都是学生,就跟学生时一样填啦,不用管后面h1的。银行利息不交税。填1040nr, 不用填status change,再加8843和moving表
不过后面要求写那个ARTICLE XX的地方写上ARTICLE X,(具体名字忘了,汗~),最后也报的没问题
thanks a lot, icy.
actually my income from school are only about $3000 (shown on the W2 from School), how about the income got during OPT period? Should i count it into the F1 era, but then my current company put a total in the W2, which cannot tell clearly how much for OPT period and how much for H1 status.
thanks a lot, icy.
actually my income from school are only about $3000 (shown on the W2 from School), how about the income got during OPT period? Should i count it into the F1 era, but then my current company put a total in the W2, which cannot tell clearly how much for OPT period and how much for H1 status.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-27 5:15:02编辑过]
Jan-May F1
May-Oct OPT
Oct-Dec H1.
如果你从拿到H1的那天起到4/17满了183天,你不需要file extension,你可以把tax return 在将近4/17的时候寄去,就是说等到满183天才寄去。一般来说10月你就拿到H1,很有可能不需要extension,除非你是将近月底才拿到的。
No. According to substantial presence test, when you count the 183 days, count 1/3 of the days you were present in the first year before current year. If you got H1 on Oct. 1, 2006, then you can only use 1/3 of (Dec 31 - Oct 01) =30 days to count 183 days. So you can not reach 183 days on Apr. 17 2007.
if you are f1<5years, file 1040nr;
州税表格问题, depends on which states you are studying and working.
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