lz 好心人
问题:我找了一个保姆看小孩,走的时候没有要ssn,请问这种情况,1500刀,这种情况还能不能报child care expense?我用的tax act,好像没有给我放进去,因为没有写ssn. 我应该怎样file,才能够在child care expense报这个1500,我有当初给的check的copy
If you cannot provide all the information (name, address, SSN), you must be able to show that you used due diligence.
Due diligence: 为了显示这个due diligence, 你得有getting and keeping 或者W10,或者drive licence滴copy,或者SSN card滴copy,或者她给你写过一份信or invoice写了这些信息。
我猜你是没有这些的。所以你最好的方法就是联系上她要到ssn. 如果她拒绝给,你可以report.具体方法就是在你要填的form 2441的line1没有的信息的column填上“ see attached statement"
In the attached statement,you should state that you requested the information from the care provider, but she did not give you the information. Be sure to include
your name and ssn on this statement. It will show your due diligence in trying to get the informaiton.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/25 1:36:41编辑过]
想报married but file seperately,
如果其中一方,不报买房子的贷款和closing cost这些,可以由另一方报全部么?
First,you should know that if your spouse itemize deduction, you cannot make standard deduction.
Second, if you both choose itemized deduction, the answer is that it depends on which states you live in.
If Community property Sate(publication 555):
Deductible expenses that are paid out of separate funds, such as medical expenses, are deductible by the spouse who pays them.
If these expenses are paid from community funds, the deduction may depend on whether or not you live in a community property state. In a community property state, the deduction is, generally, divided equally between you and your spouse.
If non-community property state:
individual account or joint account. If out of your pocket, your deduction. If joint account, split evenly.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/25 1:36:57编辑过]
想报married but file seperately,
如果其中一方,不报买房子的贷款和closing cost这些,可以由另一方报全部么?
Q:问问lz, 我是f1身份入境,今年要和lg file jointly as resident。我知道那个5k的treaty还可以用,但是是往表格哪行上填呢?(w2的gross income已经预先扣掉那5k了)看了看irs网站说是要填w-9然后写一个说明? 多谢多谢
A:W-9应该是你要求减5000的时候已经填过了吧。。。你当时已经交过一个w9和一个signed treaty article.
楼主能帮我解答一下我的世纪难题吗? 1。我去年暑假做了internship在一个州,现在在另另一个州读书 2。我lg去年7月开始工作,在加州 3。前年有了宝宝 4。我妈妈在这里待满了6个月了已经 这个税表。。。。联合划算还是分开划算??怎么填啊啊啊 谢谢
还是老答案,州税我不是很懂,不敢乱说。至于federal tax,要先看你们是resident不,然后决定填什么。如果是R,联合还是分开合算,还要具体看你们的情况。实在没办法回答。一般来说是联合报税benefit多,但是也不能说一定。
我lg 是 08年来美 F1 11年5月转成OPT 10月转成H1B
我 07年来美 一直是F1
我们想选择first year choice, 先file extension,满183天之后, filing jointly
as resident for the whole 2011 using form 1040.
1. 这个报税方式ok吗?
2. 我 lg opt 4个月期间的是 social security tax and medicare 需要补交吗?
3. 他在OPT期间的收入>5000了,Treaty 5000还可以claim吗?
4. 他5月份搬到现在工作的地方,公司已经给了relocation fee,但是有交federal tax,我们还可以把moveing expense作为deduction吗?
5. 他在F1期间叫的tuition可以作为deduction吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/6 21:37:27编辑过]
要看你们在哪个州了,如果是community property state的话,就是要一半一半这样报的,收入也是。
要看你们在哪个州了,如果是community property state的话,就是要一半一半这样报的,收入也是。
妹妹, 我研究了一下, 我在的州不属于community property state, 那么联邦税我可以只报自己收入, 然后房子的东西放老公那里报? 我可以这么做么?合法么?
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