Will the market recover next week?
any though is welcome. thanks
如果你follow我的blog, 你就知道这两天的暴跌是不可避免的。
后市短线内仍然调整, 走势难以预测, the market need new informaiton to find the direction.
今天大盘暴跌, 但是我推荐的这些ethanol个股都有表现
MGPI 10%, PEIX,ADM都有上涨。原因是barron profile mgpi.
我想说的是,我给大家推荐的都是中长期持有的股票, 千万不要短线乱炒。如果转势,我会通知。
如果你每天看几次股票的价格,这说明你关注过度了。如果你看到谁谁赚多少多少钱也头脑发热了, 我建议你do nothing.
If you are short term trading, the money you made (if any) will give back to the market eventually. Plus, Don't believe your own analysis. It is hard to take, but it is only for your good.
If I understand right, do u mean contrarian? Everyday I tell myself market is right, I am wrong. once a while market is right and I am right.. I consider those days as my lucky day.
I think people still should do their own analysis, but they need to let the market tells them whether their analysis is right. if not, do what market tell you to do.
今天大盘暴跌, 但是我推荐的这些ethanol个股都有表现
MGPI 10%, PEIX,ADM都有上涨。原因是barron profile mgpi.
我想说的是,我给大家推荐的都是中长期持有的股票, 千万不要短线乱炒。如果转势,我会通知。
如果你每天看几次股票的价格,这说明你关注过度了。如果你看到谁谁赚多少多少钱也头脑发热了, 我建议你do nothing.
If you are short term trading, the money you made (if any) will give back to the market eventually. Plus, Don't believe your own analysis. It is hard to take, but it is only for your good.
If I understand right, do u mean contrarian? Everyday I tell myself market is right, I am wrong. once a while market is right and I am right.. I consider those days as my lucky day.
I think people still should do their own analysis, but they need to let the market tells them whether their analysis is right. if not, do what market tell you to do.
No. investment decision making is a complex process while average investor generally make short cuts and simplify the matters. It is just give you an EXCUSE to buy, sell or hold a stock or whatever instruments. Below is the bolg I wrote last wednesday night. The point is, be prepared.
inflation and fed |
The fed raise .25 point again in interest rate as expected. After Greenspan, the new Fed chief plays safe.. The market is almost unchanged, showing a tension between bear and bull. Some stocks have been showing their last jump, which typically results in a exhausted gap. I am starting worried that a 200 points correction in its way.. Biotech, phama, health care related stocks have been hammered. Lost most of their gain over years in a couple of months! See CI, AMGN, WLP, TEVA, etc. A similar cylce is about to happen in commodities, just a matter of when.. |
今天大盘暴跌, 但是我推荐的这些ethanol个股都有表现
MGPI 10%, PEIX,ADM都有上涨。原因是barron profile mgpi.
我想说的是,我给大家推荐的都是中长期持有的股票, 千万不要短线乱炒。如果转势,我会通知。
如果你每天看几次股票的价格,这说明你关注过度了。如果你看到谁谁赚多少多少钱也头脑发热了, 我建议你do nothing.
If you are short term trading, the money you made (if any) will give back to the market eventually. Plus, Don't believe your own analysis. It is hard to take, but it is only for your good.
If I understand right, do u mean contrarian? Everyday I tell myself market is right, I am wrong. once a while market is right and I am right.. I consider those days as my lucky day.
I think people still should do their own analysis, but they need to let the market tells them whether their analysis is right. if not, do what market tell you to do.
No. investment decision making is a complex process while average investor generally make short cuts and simplify the matters. It is just give you an EXCUSE to buy, sell or hold a stock or whatever instruments. Below is the bolg I wrote last wednesday night. The point is, be prepared.
inflation and fed |
The fed raise .25 point again in interest rate as expected. After Greenspan, the new Fed chief plays safe.. The market is almost unchanged, showing a tension between bear and bull. Some stocks have been showing their last jump, which typically results in a exhausted gap. I am starting worried that a 200 points correction in its way.. Biotech, phama, health care related stocks have been hammered. Lost most of their gain over years in a couple of months! See CI, AMGN, WLP, TEVA, etc. A similar cylce is about to happen in commodities, just a matter of when.. |
道暴跌214点 GAME IS OVER |
市场在昨天喘息后今天选择向下大幅突破。 道暴跌214点, 是三年以来的最大的一单日跌幅。 这几天市场对通胀极为敏感, 任何消息都会造成市场大幅波动。 早盘大众期盼的CPI数据为.6超出估计0.5, 市场对通胀的担忧得到印证, 由于恐惧FED继续加息, 大家选择夺路而逃。 暴跌也就在预料之中了。 今年的行情到此结束。 后面是漫长的调整和下跌。 个股方面, 各个板块都遭到大幅抛售, 金属, 石油, 金融, 耐用品,材料等跌幅最大。 所谓涨的越高,跌得越快。 科技股由于板块轮换反而平稳。 后市继续看淡上面板块, 主要原因是前期涨幅实在过大, 很多股票都翻了几番, 500%的涨幅比比皆是。 现在才跌了个小头。 |
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