请问一下,那个monthly saving pass的说明上说:
To get your January 2012 $10.00 Monthly Savings Pass, simply make your purchase by the last day of January and email your sales confirmation receipt from xx to [email protected] within 30 days of making your purchase (online purchases do not require coupon to be mailed.) We cannot open attachments in email, so please do not include attachments when you email your sales confirmation receipt."
请问一下,那个monthly saving pass的说明上说:
To get your January 2012 $10.00 Monthly Savings Pass, simply make your purchase by the last day of January and email your sales confirmation receipt from xx to [email protected] within 30 days of making your purchase (online purchases do not require coupon to be mailed.) We cannot open attachments in email, so please do not include attachments when you email your sales confirmation receipt."
请问一下,那个monthly saving pass的说明上说:
To get your January 2012 $10.00 Monthly Savings Pass, simply make your purchase by the last day of January and email your sales confirmation receipt from xx to [email protected] within 30 days of making your purchase (online purchases do not require coupon to be mailed.) We cannot open attachments in email, so please do not include attachments when you email your sales confirmation receipt."
正打算问这个问题,可是我刚下的单是用paypal付的钱, 只有当时网站打印成PDF的receipt和paypal发的confirmation email...email上只有价格总数, 没有order明细, 不知道行不行,悲剧了。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/6 9:11:23编辑过]
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