capital gain/loss
Q1: 去年我买了些mutual fund, 卖的时候亏了一些钱,据说可以退一部分税?该填哪个表?schedule D? 多谢!
A1: Yes, schedule D.
You can deduct up to $3K capital loss every year.
If you have more than $3K capital loss, you can carry over them to next year's tax return.
你的brokerage firm应该会提供你一份表格的。
卖出价格<买进价格,就是capital loss
如果有多笔交易,是总的盈利和亏损相抵后(短期的先抵短期,长期的先抵长期,剩下的再相抵)的数字作为当年的capital gain/loss.
A2:跟你的realized capital gain算一起,得出一个net的数。是negative的才可以帮你省税,要是positive #还得交税。省税每年上线好像是3000.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 0:44:55编辑过]
ESPP我们在1年中卖了几次,都是short term的,那个cost basis具体怎么算?是不是我们contribute的钱/0.85(假设有15%discount)
A:你的cost basis是你们买股票(exercise date)的时候的market price,或者是你们把钱放进ESPP的时候的股票的market price,那个低算哪个。你们要report这部分的gain or loss,用schedule D。
既然是Disqualifying position,那就是说你们的discount被算作compensation,会在w-2上显示出来,这笔钱是要缴税的。你按照w-2上面的数字填就可以了。
Q3: 股票:A股票,我5块的时候买了100股,10块的时候买了100股,8块的时候卖了150股,那这个gain或者loss该怎么算呢?
A: 应该是先进先出,5块钱买的时间在前,本金就是5×100+10×50
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-5 17:38:05编辑过]
Q1: 我要帮朋友问个问题。他去年开始作contractor,除了工资外,公司每天给他100刀per diem,70住宿,30吃饭。公司给他1099misc表,上面的数字包括工资和per diem。
现在的问题是,他可以deduct他租房和吃饭花的钱吗?如果可以,是按他实际花费算,还是直接按per diem的一半算,这样他就不需要收集收据了?
A1: 100% sure 不可以deduct
不但不可以deduct 由于1099没有withhold税 所以这部分钱的税交的还比较重
如果这些diem的费用 是你朋友先花 然后用收据报账 就不用放进income了
可是对于contractor 公司一般不会这样做
A2: he needs to report his income on Schedule C.
yes, he can deduct his meal expenses, but for rental, he needs to do the home office schedule to deduct some of them.
He needs to repor the actual.
He should keep all the receipts in case of audit.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-5 17:47:59编辑过]
A:You can still report your income even you did not get your 1099. Report it on Line 21 on Form 1040. If you have expenses related to your income, you can file the schedule C.'
normally milage from home to work is not deductable, but some people report some.
If you file a tax return with your spouse, I would put your name and SS# on the type, so it will show on the 1040 page 1. If you are single, you can put temp job or part time job or the company name.
1) 收到IRS 的一封信,说"statement for eecipients of interest income", total interest paid or credited "65.41". 请教这是什么意思?
2)state tax refunds 还要报税吗?这不是2007 的退税吗。为什么算2008 的收入?
3)去年我转换了人寿保险。第一家保险公司寄来1099-r , 是用来报税的吗?
1. $65.41 is the interest you earned from IRS. Your need to report it on your tax returns.
2. state tax refund is taxable if you used itemized deduction when you filed your 2007 tax returns.
(Your tax refund from your state government may be taxable. If you claimed the standard deduction on your federal tax return last year, your state tax refund is not taxable.
If you itemized your deductions on your federal tax return last year and you claimed a deduction for State and Local Taxes, then you need to figure the taxable portion of your state refund.
If you used itemized deduction in 2007, for example, you paid $4,500 state tax, you took $4,500 deductions on your 2007 Federal tax returns. If you rec'd $2,000 refunds for your 2007 tax returns, you need to report $2,000 as income on your 1040 since you already took it as deduction in 2007. If we do not need to report it as income, everyone can pay a lot to get the deductions, then rec'd refunds in the following year.)
3. yes, 1099-r is for you to file tax returns. Box 1 is gross distributions, and box 2a is taxable amount.
这个怎么弄啊?作为taxable refunds, credits,or offsets of state and local income taxes 一起报税吗?
A: 如果你2007年联邦税用了itemized deduction,这笔钱要算上,就是你说的taxable refund
如果是standard deduction,就不用管了
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-9 10:46:32编辑过]
Q5: 去年的mutual funds亏损好多,为什么1099-DIV上面还显示好几百块的ordinary dividends, 还有capital gain distributions?这样的话亏损了还要交税吗?买基金岂不是太亏?哪位牛人能解释一下?谢谢!
A:paper loss不算亏损,只要你没卖fund,对你的银行账户没影响。但ordinary dividend和capital gain distribution确实是发到你手里了,你可以选择拿到钱然后花掉的,这得算你的收入。当然你可能选择继续投资,但这是你自己的选择,IRS是不管这么多
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-9 10:46:42编辑过]
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