[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/13 17:02:34编辑过]
I have converted rollover IRA(eg $6000) to ROTH IRA last year, do I need to pay tax on all of $6000 like a distribution? Or just some certain part? How would the taxable amount be calculated?
I have converted rollover IRA(eg $6000) to ROTH IRA last year, do I need to pay tax on all of $6000 like a distribution? Or just some certain part? How would the taxable amount be calculated?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/14 14:16:38编辑过]
lz好人! 我的问题: a) 如果夫妻双方收入差距较大,比如一个10w一个5w这种,到底是联合保税还是分开报划算呢?夫妻都是Resident的情况下。 b) 好多人找accountant报税,这个跟用turbotax相比,好处在什么地方呢?用account能拿回更多退税么一般?是不是费用也高很多?
请问:买房子交了mortgage insurance premiums, 这个是全额deductible吗?谢谢
I have converted rollover IRA(eg $6000) to ROTH IRA last year, do I need to pay tax on all of $6000 like a distribution? Or just some certain part? How would the taxable amount be calculated?
还是Roth conversion. I converted both rollover Ira and non-deductible Ira (say $20k) to Roth. Form 5498 list Roth conversion amount as 20k, but why 1099r list gross distribution as $19500. What caused the difference?
以下是引用 Qiqier 的发言:
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren 7.39 - iPad
2011年 到8月为止,我们从住的州A (我不工作,老公工作)搬到另外一个州 B。 我在新的州上学,LG在原来的州上班,每天来回跑。然后11月,老公调到州C,并且住在那里。我留在B州,继续上学,国际学生。
现在的B 和C州又该如何保税呢?
1. if you are federal nonresident, Nov to Dec - State C nonresident and Jan to Nov - state A nonresident
2. if you are federal resident, compare the following two options to see which one is better
a. Nov to Dec - State C part time resident (only include the income from state C);Jan to Dec - state A resident (include all of the income and you can take the tax paid to state C as credit)
b. Nov to Dec - state C part time resident (only include the income from state C);, and Jan to Nov - state A part time resident (only include the income from state A)
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