[求助]为什么我去查credit score,结果网上和客服都说no score avaliable
2012-02-03 16:20:00
没信用卡 没credit
那这样没有credit score能伸什么样的信用卡啊?
哪些银行有secured card? 是不是只要google一下secured card就可以? 有什么银行可以推荐的么? 谢谢阿
我想申请信用卡,听说银行会根据个人的credit score来决定是不是拒还有额度。我在credit report上查的,往上说no credit score available, 让我找customer service. 我打电话过去问,结果人客服也说我没有score....... 有谁知道这个是怎么回事啊!!!!
You need to gradually build up your credit file. Even utility accounts could help.
No credit score available could mean either you don't have a credit file in the bureau's database or you are not qualified for that specific score (when the score was built, there were some criteria to determine whether a person was scoreable or not)
You need to gradually build up your credit file. Even utility accounts could help.
No credit score available could mean either you don't have a credit file in the bureau's database or you are not qualified for that specific score (when the score was built, there were some criteria to determine whether a person was scoreable or not)
utility accounts have nothing to do with building up ur credit
typically, no credit card, no credit.
well, if u have late payments, utility accounts may ruin ur credit
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