2013-03-06 15:18:00
LG去年10月开始H1B。我F1,没有收入。现在报税的事情一个头两个大。 1. LG按照non-resident报的话,就只有前5000免税。 2. 是不是如果extend file,LG就能2012全年resident这样带上我夫妻合报,这样税率会低点,而且有education deduction啊?但是LG F1时候的工资单是没有扣social security 和medicare的,这样报的话会不会要我们补交啊? 3. 按照dual-status 报的话,貌似不能夫妻合报对吗?这样的话会比non-resident报省吗? 以上是我自己考古了很久的,但是也不知道work 不work,也不知道具体怎么操作。请问大牛们,我应该怎么报最好。 另外请大家推荐下纽约的对这个身份转换这些有经验的会计师,我实在弄不懂。 万分感谢!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/6 15:20:44编辑过]
以下是引用xiaoyuhaha在3/6/2013 3:18:00 PM的发言:
LG去年10月开始H1B。我F1,没有收入。现在报税的事情一个头两个大。 1. LG按照non-resident报的话,就只有前5000免税。 2. 是不是如果extend file,LG就能2012全年resident这样带上我夫妻合报,这样税率会低点,而且有education deduction啊?但是LG F1时候的工资单是没有扣social security 和medicare的,这样报的话会不会要我们补交啊? 3. 按照dual-status 报的话,貌似不能夫妻合报对吗?这样的话会比non-resident报省吗? 以上是我自己考古了很久的,但是也不知道work 不work,也不知道具体怎么操作。请问大牛们,我应该怎么报最好。 另外请大家推荐下纽约的对这个身份转换这些有经验的会计师,我实在弄不懂。 万分感谢!!!!
mm,用TurboTax吧~LG去年10月开始H1B。我F1,没有收入。现在报税的事情一个头两个大。 1. LG按照non-resident报的话,就只有前5000免税。 2. 是不是如果extend file,LG就能2012全年resident这样带上我夫妻合报,这样税率会低点,而且有education deduction啊?但是LG F1时候的工资单是没有扣social security 和medicare的,这样报的话会不会要我们补交啊? 3. 按照dual-status 报的话,貌似不能夫妻合报对吗?这样的话会比non-resident报省吗? 以上是我自己考古了很久的,但是也不知道work 不work,也不知道具体怎么操作。请问大牛们,我应该怎么报最好。 另外请大家推荐下纽约的对这个身份转换这些有经验的会计师,我实在弄不懂。 万分感谢!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/6 15:20:44编辑过]
但是关于身份转换这些东西, turbo tax管不了吧,而且这些做法不知道对不对
以下是引用xiaoyuhaha在3/6/2013 3:18:00 PM的发言:
1. LG按照non-resident报的话,就只有前5000免税。
2. 是不是如果extend file,LG就能2012全年resident这样带上我夫妻合报,这样税率会低点,而且有education deduction啊?但是LG F1时候的工资单是没有扣social security 和medicare的,这样报的话会不会要我们补交啊?
3. 按照dual-status 报的话,貌似不能夫妻合报对吗?这样的话会比non-resident报省吗? 以上是我自己考古了很久的,但是也不知道work 不work,也不知道具体怎么操作。请问大牛们,我应该怎么报最好。 另外请大家推荐下纽约的对这个身份转换这些有经验的会计师,我实在弄不懂。 万分感谢!!!!
1. LG按照non-resident报的话,就只有前5000免税。
2. 是不是如果extend file,LG就能2012全年resident这样带上我夫妻合报,这样税率会低点,而且有education deduction啊?但是LG F1时候的工资单是没有扣social security 和medicare的,这样报的话会不会要我们补交啊?
3. 按照dual-status 报的话,貌似不能夫妻合报对吗?这样的话会比non-resident报省吗? 以上是我自己考古了很久的,但是也不知道work 不work,也不知道具体怎么操作。请问大牛们,我应该怎么报最好。 另外请大家推荐下纽约的对这个身份转换这些有经验的会计师,我实在弄不懂。 万分感谢!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/6 15:20:44编辑过]
首先你老公file extend,你老公只有最后3个月是resident,前面9个月还是non resident,全年也就是dual status; 你老公file extend,如果你们两个分开报,你老公还有5000的treaty,前9个月还是non resident,所以social security不用补。
你老公file extend,resident和non resident结婚,两个人合报算是resident,也就是你们两个人可以按resident合报,但是如果合报就是两个人都是resident,就都没有5000的treaty,这种情况要不要补social security我也没搞懂,但是你的学费可以省税,最多省4000. 你老公不file extend就是non resident,social security和medicare不需要交,treaty 5000,学费不省。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/9 23:59:57编辑过]
5000只要是F1就可以 resident也可以拿
以下是引用treepose在3/10/2013 6:13:00 PM的发言:
5000只要是F1就可以 resident也可以拿
Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident
If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you can choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This includes situations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at the beginning of the tax year, but a resident alien at the end of the year, and the other spouse is a nonresident alien at the end of the year.
If you make this choice, you and your spouse are treated for income tax purposes as residents for your entire tax year. Neither you nor your spouse can claim under any tax treaty not to be a U.S. resident. You are both taxed on worldwide income. You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years.5000只要是F1就可以 resident也可以拿
以下是引用i18n在3/11/2013 3:34:00 AM的发言:
Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you can choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This includes situations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at the beginning of the tax year, but a resident alien at the end of the year, and the other spouse is a nonresident alien at the end of the year. If you make this choice, you and your spouse are treated for income tax purposes as residents for your entire tax year. Neither you nor your spouse can claim under any tax treaty not to be a U.S. resident. You are both taxed on worldwide income. You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years.
你们读文章都是只读一段的么?Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you can choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This includes situations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at the beginning of the tax year, but a resident alien at the end of the year, and the other spouse is a nonresident alien at the end of the year. If you make this choice, you and your spouse are treated for income tax purposes as residents for your entire tax year. Neither you nor your spouse can claim under any tax treaty not to be a U.S. resident. You are both taxed on worldwide income. You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years.
Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect and you are both taxed on worldwide income. However, the exception to the saving clause of a particular tax treaty might allow a resident alien to claim a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income. You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years。
以下是引用treepose在3/11/2013 12:14:00 PM的发言:
Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect and you are both taxed on worldwide income. However, the exception to the saving clause of a particular tax treaty might allow a resident alien to claim a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income. You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years。
Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect and you are both taxed on worldwide income. However, the exception to the saving clause of a particular tax treaty might allow a resident alien to claim a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income. You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years。
以下是引用babypeony在3/11/2013 12:39:00 PM的发言:
This article is excepted from the "saving clause" of paragraph 2 of the Protocol, so its benefits are available to persons who otherwise qualify even if they become U.S. residents.
Some exceptions to the saving clause apply to all resident aliens (for example, under the U.S.-People's Republic of China treaty)
Example: Article 20 of the U.S.-China income tax treaty allows an exemption from tax for scholarship income received by a Chinese student temporarily present in the United States. Under the Internal Revenue Code, a student may become a resident alien for tax purposes if his or her stay in the United States exceeds 5 calendar years. However, the treaty allows the provisions of Article 20 to continue to apply even after the Chinese student becomes a resident alien of the United States.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/11 15:02:39编辑过]
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