有谁直接在treasurydirect买treasurer notes?
2015-06-20 23:37:29
这两天看一些投资书,才知道个人可以直接上treasurydirect买treasurer notes。
我上去看了一下,还发现有一下项目,都不懂,只看到了treasury notes, 10年期的,
我不知道到哪里看 US saving bonds, 据说这个US saving bonds是不用交税的,是这样的吗?
Treasury Bills
Treasury bills are short-term government securities with maturities ranging from a few days to 52 weeks. Bills are sold at a discount from their face value.
Treasury Notes
Treasury notes are government securities that are issued with maturities of 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 years and pay interest every six months.
Treasury Bonds
Treasury bonds pay interest every six months and mature in 30 years.
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
TIPS are marketable securities whose principal is adjusted by changes in the Consumer Price Index. TIPS pay interest every six months and are issued with maturities of 5, 10, and 30 years.
Floating Rate Notes (FRNs)
Interest payments on an FRN rise and fall based on discount rates for 13-week Treasury bills. FRNs are issued for a term of 2 years and pay interest quarterly.
I Savings Bonds
I Savings Bonds are a low-risk savings product that earn interest while protecting you from inflation. Sold at face value. Check out our table that is a comparison of TIPS and Series I Savings Bonds.
EE and E Savings Bonds
EE and E Savings Bonds are a secure savings product that pay interest based on current market rates for up to 30 years. Electronic EE Savings Bonds are sold at face value in TreasuryDirect.
我上去看了一下,还发现有一下项目,都不懂,只看到了treasury notes, 10年期的,
我不知道到哪里看 US saving bonds, 据说这个US saving bonds是不用交税的,是这样的吗?
Treasury Bills
Treasury bills are short-term government securities with maturities ranging from a few days to 52 weeks. Bills are sold at a discount from their face value.
Treasury Notes
Treasury notes are government securities that are issued with maturities of 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 years and pay interest every six months.
Treasury Bonds
Treasury bonds pay interest every six months and mature in 30 years.
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
TIPS are marketable securities whose principal is adjusted by changes in the Consumer Price Index. TIPS pay interest every six months and are issued with maturities of 5, 10, and 30 years.
Floating Rate Notes (FRNs)
Interest payments on an FRN rise and fall based on discount rates for 13-week Treasury bills. FRNs are issued for a term of 2 years and pay interest quarterly.
I Savings Bonds
I Savings Bonds are a low-risk savings product that earn interest while protecting you from inflation. Sold at face value. Check out our table that is a comparison of TIPS and Series I Savings Bonds.
EE and E Savings Bonds
EE and E Savings Bonds are a secure savings product that pay interest based on current market rates for up to 30 years. Electronic EE Savings Bonds are sold at face value in TreasuryDirect.
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