citibank 付账单怎么这么慢?可让他给害了一把
2006-07-16 17:56:00
No. As long as your minimum payment is received by BOA on or before the due date, you won't be charged a late fee. However, you may be charged finance charges if the entire outstanding balance is not received by BOA by the due date.
If it is truly Citi's fault that your payment didn't get wired to BOA on time, you can try to dispute with BOA and providing the reason. You may be able to get away with the finance charges. Credit card companies have customer courtesy policies and waiving finance charges is one of them.
I think you should be able to waive the charges if there was one. You never know what went wrong for such transaction. Maybe system burped?
通过citi寄check给chase,结果chase一直没有收到,而错过了due date。打过电话后chase退还了late payment fee,但是照收了利息。再打电话去说,工作人员说没有办法,这个由电脑控制。想想没有多少也就算了,从此用chase在线的自动付帐。
前不久申请了citibank的账号,7月6号第一次用他家的网上pay bill,我的bankofamerica的信用卡的due date是7月16号,就是今天,可我刚才查了查用citibank 付的钱还没有到位阿?查citibank 的pay状态是open,怎么这么慢阿?都10天了钱还没付到?BoA是不是要收我的late fee了。我刚才一着急,就用我的BOA的ckecking又付了一次钱,可还是需要2天才能转过去钱。可让citibank给害惨了。还想请教一下,是不是付了minimum payment,其它的钱晚付几天也不会收late fee了?
付了minimum payment就没有late fee啦.不过如果mm的意思是说本来想把balance都付完的话,那其他没有在due date前付的就要付利息啦.
注意一下你选的那个 payment 方式是不是 electronic payment 。CITIbank Online 上对于同一个 payee 会有好几个方式,叫的名字不一样。有electronic payment,还有是 CITI 寄支票给对方。前者3-5天就够了,后者时间会更长。
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