2006-09-07 09:21:00
新东方上市重要信息 |
股票代码:EDU 业务:教育 上市时间:美国时间9月7日 上市地点:美国纽交所 发行价区间:每股美国存托凭证15美元 发行股票:750万股美国存托凭证 融资:1.125亿美元 公司注册地:开曼群岛 CEO:俞敏洪 员工人数:4047人 持股结构:俞敏洪拥有公司31.18%的股权;徐小平10%股权;包凡一4%股权;钱永强2.5%。机构投资者老虎环球基金也占到新东方股份的14.91%,另外还有15%的股份分给CapitalRiverGroup、PeakIdeaInternational和ForthrightTraining三个投资方 。 网址:http://www.neworiental.org 承销商:承销商为瑞士信贷、高盛和Piper Jaffray 财年:从每年的6月1日起算至第二年的5月31日 财报:在截至2006年5月31日的财年,该公司营收为9600万美元,净利润为1300万美元。 |
新东方确定IPO发行价为15美元 |
新浪科技讯 美国东部时间9月6日(北京时间9月7日)消息,新东方教育科技集团(简称“新东方”)今天宣布,该公司的首次公开招股(IPO)发行价已经确定为15美元,超过此前预期的11美元到13美元的价格区间。 新东方通过IPO共发售750万股美国存托凭证,相当于总股份的21%。新东方每股美国存托凭证相当于四股普通股。新东方将于9月7日在纽约证券交易所上市,股票交易代码为EDU”。新东方的IPO承销商包括瑞士信贷、高盛和Piper Jaffray,其中前两家公司为主承销商。根据协议,在未来30天内,IPO承销商可以选择再买入112.5万股新东方美国存托凭证。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-7 9:25:52编辑过]
开盘价 22美元
he he. will it go up?
it's lacking some of the information for now to do the analysis. will keep an eye on it. my sense is (based on the story below), the stock should be doing good. look at the massive enrollments they've got. that's a big cash cow. of course will have to look at their financials for their operating expenses as well.
EDU: New Oriental Education IPO prices above range; China-based provider of
foreign language instruction (15.00)
New Oriental Education prices its IPO at $15 per ADS, above the expected range
of $11-13. Each ADS represents four common shares. The co is the largest
provider of private educational services in China, consisting primarily of
English training and test prep courses (combined 89% of revs). In the fiscal
yr ended May 2006, the co had 872,000 student enrollments, including 497,000
in language training programs and 375,000 in its test prep courses. The co
operates 25 schools, 111 learning centers and over 5,000 third-party
bookstores and 1,700 teachers in 24 cities. The co is profitable and revenue
has grown 74% over the past 2 years to US$96.1 mln. The co notes that over
100,000 Chinese students travel overseas each year to enroll in higher
education programs and to gain entry applicants typically must take tests
conducted in English (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, SAT). English proficiency is also
tested for admission to colleges and grad schools in China. Public schools in
China are generally required to use govt-approved curricula, however, private
schools have greater flexibility to teach subjects such as the English
language... Briefing Note: This is the first IPO after a two-week lull and
it's a positive sign for fall IPOs that this one priced well. This is a 7.5
mln ADS deal being led by Credit Suisse and Goldman. (IPOXX)
source: Bloomberg.
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