2007-01-12 20:04:00
我想再Vanguard上开个户买Vanguard MF,可是却发现没种最低的投资都要3000刀,有的更多。
我看中了几个fund, 年收益50%,但是最低投资就是1个米。我们小本经营, 还是不敢。。
有可以小额买的,每个月定期从银行划, 这个要不要先投3000我就不知道了
恩. 每个 fund 都有最低第一次投资额. 比较大的公司, 一般都是 2500, 3000, 5000, 这几个数字. 再之后再买的话, 一般都要求一次 100, 500, 1000左右.
你可以看看 T Rowe Price, 他们家的一般都是 2500, 我个人觉得他们也很不错.
Simply put:
1) you must buy the minimal initial investment amount on your first buy of the fund, no matter how you pay it (by check, wire transfer, bank transfer, etc).
2) after the initial buy, the following buys (additional investment), you must buy the minimal amount each time, no matter how you pay it (by check, wire transfer, bank transfer, etc). Or, you can set up your account, so that at your specified date, they can automatically charge certain amount from your bank account and buy the fund.
3) finally, if you like, you can just buy it the first time, and no need to buy additional amount each month, etc.
Take this as example:
The first time, you must buy at least 2500$. After that, any additonal investment (if you like), it must be at least 100$.
For example, if you want to invest 5000$ in total, should you buy 5000$ the first time, or only buy 3000$ the firs time, then each month add 100$ (for 20 month): this is totall your own choice.
If your fund has dividend, it may pay you once a year (usually this way, and in december), or at a specified time (you need to read their "prospectus").
But normally, many people (under 40 years old, I guess) buy fund for their value appreciate (price goes up), then they either hold it for more price go up, or sell them to get the profit. It works very similar to buy or sell a stock.
Please note that: the price of fund may also go down, so you may also lose money, just like that of a stock (many funds are based on stocks).
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