2007-03-12 13:21:00
妈妈去年4月份来的美国, 要到今年4月回去, 帮妈妈填了W7申请税号, 这个W7表要放在报州税的材料里吗? 我的理解是应该只要放在报联邦税的材料里.
另外, 报税软件是每年都要买的? 还是买了一次到第二年只要UPGRADE一下?
把妈妈的TAX ID放到dependentLIST里去, 就可以了. 报税软件包括联邦和州税, 联邦税填玩后, 软件会自动计算洲税的.我觉得买个软件挺好的. 我们用TURBO TAX
把妈妈的TAX ID放到dependentLIST里去, 就可以了. 报税软件包括联邦和州税, 联邦税填玩后, 软件会自动计算洲税的.我觉得买个软件挺好的. 我们用TURBO TAX
我们今年第一买软件报, 也是TURBO的, 以前都自己算的
我妈妈的TAX ID还没有申请, 要报联邦税的时候一起申请, 没有ID怎么填, 现在就填了个applied for
一定要有TAX ID才可以报.赶紧去申请吧. 离4/15还有时间. 或者你再问问其他JM,我一直以为要有,才能报,不是报的时候在申请
我看W7上写的是报税的时候一起寄的, 啊? 我也糊涂了, 谁知道的进来说说吧
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。
LOCAL IRS问的。1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。
2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address.
3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more.
4) For the State tax, just state in the return that TITN is applied for. And we can not do e-filing.
这个我昨天专门跑到LOCAL IRS问的。
LOCAL IRS问的。1) TAX ID (TITN) LOCAL IRS已经不再提前给了,只需要attach W7 到your tax return 就行了。还需要notarized copy of the passport, visa, I-94, etc (check irs.gov for more information). 一般银行就可以公证。
2) 如果你愿意,你可以填好后,拿着所有的东西(tax return, W7, etc.) to your local IRS office. I was told that they will put a stamp on your return, and mail those for you. And I was also advised that it's better to do so, since those tax return need to be filed to a special place, and the address changes frequently. If your local IRS office is very far away, you can call to make sure the mailing address.
3) 当然不用是公民OR绿卡,如果已经是公民OR绿卡,they can apply for SSN, as a result, they can not (don't need to) apply for TITN any more.
4) For the State tax, just state in the return that TITN is applied for. And we can not do e-filing.
哇, 非常感谢MM的回复, 那我明天就可以放心把税表和W7一起邮出去了
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