2007-03-29 18:29:00
去年有几个月时间,我们居住在NC,劳工在NC工作,同时为AZ的一个小公司做CONSULTING,今年收到了该公司的1099-MISC表格,请教这种情况如何添报NC的税?是否需要把1099-MISC上的数额去交AZ的税,还是象那个公司的人说的(据她说,她打了电话给AZ TAX RETURN HELP),住哪里交哪里的税? 多谢多谢.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-29 19:00:24编辑过]
At the end of 2006, were you considered as a full-year NC resident? If so, then the 1099 income is only subject to NC state tax.
At the end of 2006, were you considered as a full-year NC resident? If so, then the 1099 income is only subject to NC state tax.
Thanks. 4 months in NC, 8 months in CA, so part of 1099-misc(no tax withheld on 1099-misc) income was earned in NC, part of it was earned in CA.
MM, May I ask which line do you put this income on 1040 federal? I put on "other income", is it right??
MM, May I ask which line do you put this income on 1040 federal? I put on "other income", is it right??
You can even start a schedule C to claim the consulting income as business income so you may be able to deduct eligible expenses associated with the income such as telephone expense, internet, home office deduction, etc.
Thanks. 4 months in NC, 8 months in CA, so part of 1099-misc(no tax withheld on 1099-misc) income was earned in NC, part of it was earned in CA.
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