2008-02-28 15:08:00
File extension first, apply ITIN when 183 days requirement reach.
Standard deduction is 5350/per person this year
Then you do not need ITIN
又想到一个问题,那这样LG会有tax rebate吗?如果我们用他的SSN来file而拿tax rebate是不是有钻空子的嫌疑
I don't think your husband could be considered a dependent for your 2007 tax return. For the tax rebate, that is for 2008, not 2007. The federal give 2008 tax rebate first, by the end of 2008, if you are eligible for more tax rebate, you could claim more, if you were paid more than you deserve, the federal will not ask for refund on that tax rebate part either. If your husband has income in 2008, he could be eligible for the tax rebate.
全年都是h1,那么你就是resident,你老公跟你一起married file
jointly都按resident.如果你去年h1不到183天,那么你算一下,如果2007的天数/3+106(就是到2008年4月15号德2008的天数)够不够183,够了就可以直接报了,不够可以延期来满足天数的要求,你老公一样可以跟你married file
jointly。 两个人一起报除了deduction多了以外,你查tax table就可以看到,married jointly
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-28 21:14:21编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-1 18:01:05编辑过]
Your spouse is never considered your dependent.
you can claim one exemption for your spouse on a joint return.
the 183 days rule only applies to the definition of resident/nonresident. Dont get confused with the dependent exemption...
Not a qualifying child test,
Member of household or relationship test,
Gross income test, and
Support test.
For all the details about dependent exemption, you can refer to publication 501 on the IRS website
Your spouse is never considered your dependent.
you can claim one exemption for your spouse on a joint return.
the 183 days rule only applies to the definition of resident/nonresident. Dont get confused with the dependent exemption...
Not a qualifying child test,
Member of household or relationship test,
Gross income test, and
Support test.
For all the details about dependent exemption, you can refer to publication 501 on the IRS website
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