F1-OPT-H1B, H1B未满183天仍有问题请教
2008-03-01 18:05:00
LG是F1-OPT-H1B,我H4,希望能报married joint,版上大家关注的很多是能不能既报resident,又享受5000的treaty,答案基本都是yes,但我在关于H1B在2007年度未满183天究竟是报resident还是nr仍有疑问,请大家不惜赐教:
1、那个公式days of this year+days of last year/3...里面的this year 究竟是2008还是2007,我的理解是缴税年度,可是版上回答的都是08年,这样把07年的除以3后就很少天数了。看到还有个first year choice,有什么讲究?
2、为什么公司里H1B开始后也不交social security tax? 说H1B满一年后才交,这样的情况报resident的时候会有什么问题呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-2 0:07:30编辑过]
1. if you are filing your tax for 07, "this year" or "current year" means 07
2. obviously the company made a mistake. they are supposed to withhold your FICA once the H1B becomes effective
3. It depends which state you reside. you should be able to find the answer if you read thru the instruction of your state return
1. if you are filing your tax for 07, "this year" or "current year" means 07
2. obviously the company made a mistake. they are supposed to withhold your FICA once the H1B becomes effective
3. It depends which state you reside. you should be able to find the answer if you read thru the instruction of your state return
LG是F1-OPT-H1B,我H4,希望能报married joint,版上大家关注的很多是能不能既报resident,又享受5000的treaty,答案基本都是yes
想请教一下,我们的情况和楼主一样。我看了中美之间的treaty, 发现这个5000元免税的treaty只适用于student和trainee,如果我们选择报resident,是不是就意味着不能以学生身份报税,就不能享受这个5000的treaty了呢?
想请教一下,我们的情况和楼主一样。我看了中美之间的treaty, 发现这个5000元免税的treaty只适用于student和trainee,如果我们选择报resident,是不是就意味着不能以学生身份报税,就不能享受这个5000的treaty了呢?
this topic has been discussed many times at this board.
briefly speaking, as long as you are student ( f1 or opt), you are able to claim treaty benefits.
想请教一下,我们的情况和楼主一样。我看了中美之间的treaty, 发现这个5000元免税的treaty只适用于student和trainee,如果我们选择报resident,是不是就意味着不能以学生身份报税,就不能享受这个5000的treaty了呢?
问: 关于$5000, 我在mitbbs上看有人在f1-h1的那年也用了treaty, 但是又有人说如果已经算是resident alien就不应该用了,向我这样06年8月前还是f1但是是resident到底可不可以用呢?
答: 没关系,可以用。只要你在F1的时候有收入就可以用,数额是the smaller of $5000 or your income as F1 student. 例如你有$8000RA, 你就可以减 $5000, 如果只有$4000,就减$4000
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