2008-04-29 03:35:00
我现在是OPT,马上开始工作了,不用交SOCIAL SECURITY TAX 和MEDICAL,我本来想和HR的人说的,这样一个月能多拿好几百呢.可是情况是今年打算结婚,老公是公民,这样一来明年报今年的税的时候就应该算RESIDENT报了,这样就要交SST 和MED.我的OPT是明年2月到期,不知道可以不可以先不和HR说我的STATUS变了,到明年1月再说,这样是不是就能今年都一直用OPT,不用交SST和MED.到明年再开始按照RESIDENT算呢.还是只要结婚的那一天开始,我的身份就改变了?
If you retain you F-1 status, you will be taxed as a resident only if you elect to. Otherwise, you will still be filing non-resident tax return and your income is not subject to social security and medical tax.
But if you get greencard in the year of 08 or 09, you become a resident for tax purpose for the entire year.
我现在是OPT,马上开始工作了,不用交SOCIAL SECURITY TAX 和MEDICAL,我本来想和HR的人说的,这样一个月能多拿好几百呢.可是情况是今年打算结婚,老公是公民,这样一来明年报今年的税的时候就应该算RESIDENT报了,这样就要交SST 和MED.我的OPT是明年2月到期,不知道可以不可以先不和HR说我的STATUS变了,到明年1月再说,这样是不是就能今年都一直用OPT,不用交SST和MED.到明年再开始按照RESIDENT算呢.还是只要结婚的那一天开始,我的身份就改变了?
OPT is still F1 status. You do not have to pay social + medicare tax.
If you retain you F-1 status, you will be taxed as a resident only if you elect to. Otherwise, you will still be filing non-resident tax return and your income is not subject to social security and medical tax.
But if you get greencard in the year of 08 or 09, you become a resident for tax purpose for the entire year.
OPT is still F1 status. You do not have to pay social + medicare tax.
are you going to file joint-return with your husband? If yes, then you have to elect to be taxed as resident. Otherwise, you can still file tax return as nonresident provided you maintain F-1 status and have not exhausted the 5 year exemption.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-29 21:02:53编辑过]
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