2009-03-08 22:10:00
如有问题,请先考古,或者去『08年报税季节活动』resident 发问。
下文中如果有需要更正或者完善的地方,也可以发到『08年报税季节活动』resident 中,或者短信给我,谢谢~
f1 resident 的问题 2-10楼
Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident 11楼
dual status 12楼
房子,车的问题 13-20楼
报税软件 21-24楼
州税问题 25-30楼
其它(HSA, FSA,小孩报税) 31-40楼
搬家,换工作 41-50楼
capital gain/loss 51-56楼
1099 56-64楼
TaxCredit ($400) 65楼
Tax Rebate 66楼
J1—>H1 71-72楼
Schedule A 74楼
Federal tax calculation 75楼
Top Ten Facts About the Child and Dependent Care Credit 76楼
Itemized deduction 83-90楼
关于W2 91-97楼
1098T 98-100楼
自己开公司报税 101-105楼
401K,IRA 106-114楼
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-5 17:57:47编辑过]
Where to file tax returns: http://www.irs.gov/file/content/0,,id=105693,00.html
F1 Resident的treaty问题:
f1来美大于5年可以享受R的待遇,按照R报税,这基本上是众人皆知的了,注意,此处的“年”指的是calendar year。如果对此还表示有疑问的话,请去irs.gov上搜索pub 519通读一遍.
报税的时候,一般来讲,如果收到了1042S,说明学校已经帮你扣除了$5000的treaty,不需要自己再单独claim了。如果没有的话,W2的数目照填,然后在other income处填-5000.再附上8833表一张。填法可以参照下贴:
中美之间5000的treaty是适用于5年之后按照resident报税的f1的,pub519里有明确地说明。填表的时候填1040,在第21项里写-5000,注明treaty exempt, see form 8833。然后附上一张8833表。
8833表的填法很简单,上边写你的姓名住址社会安全号。然后在“The taxpayer is disclosing a treaty-based return position as required by section 6114”后边打钩。
第一项,写:a. China, P.R.
b. 20(c), paragraph 2, 04-30-84 protocol
第二项,写:IRC61; 871(b)
1. I am a citizen of China, PR. I entered the US in July 2001 as a student on F-1 visa. I maintained the F-1 status since
then. I am present in the US for the purpose of studying at XXX University.
2. I am still a citizen of China, PR and am not a US citizen. I have not been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing
permanently in the United States as an immigrant, either. I have become a resident alien for tax purposes starting
2006 under the substantial presence test of IRC 7701(b), because my stay in the US exceeds five years.
3. Article 20(c) of the USA-China income tax treaty allows an annual $5000 exemption of student wages from gross
income for personal services.
4. Paragraph(2) of the 04-30-1984 protocol of the USA-China income tax treaty contains the "saving clause" of the
treaty, which normally acts to nullify the tax teaty's benefits once a resident of China has become a resident of
the USA. However, paragraph(2) of the Protocol also specifies exceptions to the saving clause, among which is
article 20 on student and trainees. This means that, even though I have become a resident alien under the
substantial presence test of IRC 7701(b), I may still claim the benefit of ariticle 20 of the USA-China income tax
5. I have elected to do this, and am claiming an exclusion from gross income for 2006 of $5000 in student wages
as allowed by article 20(c) of the USA-China income tax treaty.
如果你收到了1042S表(scholarship or fellowship),按照中美间的treaty,这部分在5年以后也是可以免税的。在这种情况下,1040表中的第21项写上
第一项b,改写为: 20(b),20(c), paragraph 2, 04-30-84 protocol
6. I am also claiming an exclusion from gross income of $XXX for my income from a scholarship as allowed by
article 20(b) of the USA-China tax treaty.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-5 17:58:10编辑过]
只要你在F1的时候有收入就可以用,数额是the smaller of $5000 or your income as F1 student. 例如你有$8000RA, 你就可以减 $5000, 如果只有$4000,就减$4000
Q1:2000年 F1 来美, 2008年用 resident报的税。
2008年 5月2号直接从F1 变成H1(没用OPT), 目前还是H1。请问能否享受 $5000 treaty?
A:You are a dual status alien. You can check this
Q2:请教一下 ,我们去年刚拿了绿卡,那今年我要们填1040表和 8833吗 ?谢谢.
在读期间转为resident alien for tax purpose
也可以继续享受tax treaty。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 0:40:34编辑过]
I found the info for resident alien claming treaty
Example: Article 20 of the U.S.-China income tax treaty allows an exemption from tax for scholarship income received by a Chinese student temporarily present in the United States. Under the Internal Revenue Code, a student may become a resident alien for tax purposes if his or her stay in the United States exceeds 5 calendar years. However, the treaty allows the provisions of Article 20 to continue to apply even after the Chinese student becomes a resident alien of the United States.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-8 22:39:52编辑过]
Q3:What if I was a postdoc when I was opt? Does it count as "fellowship"?
A:Postdoc in non-profit research University can not use $5000 tax treaty, however, you are qualified for another treaty which is similar as J1--3 year income tax free (i dont remember the article exactly, 20 or 19, you can go check). My LG has used this and we file our tax return using H&R Block accountant. He said this is applicable for our situation.
Also for $5000 tax treaty for student. Chinese student is kind of special since this treaty do not have a closure, which means we can use this as long as we are students with fellowship/assistantship. But after 5 years, we need to claim this money back during tax return. ( this is the first thing I learned from tax seminar of my University)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-8 22:49:08编辑过]
Q4:2008年半年F1学生,半年绿卡pending的AOS 身份。学校工资的5000刀,根据treaty没有扣税,已经给了我1042S和W-2 form了。W-2上的工资是去年减去5000刀的部分。 这样的情况,我不能享受5000刀的免税了吧? 我是告诉学校给我改W-2呢,还是打电话去问IRS呢? AOS 的这个身份比较tricky,学校的糊涂虫会计肯定不清楚。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-8 22:49:47编辑过]
Q5: 请问一个关于 treaty 5000元的问题, 看了前面的信息, 这5000应 填在 1040表的 other income 里 -5000。
可是我用turbo tax 的 online free edtion, 不知道应该往哪填呀?
A:绝大多数软件都不包括treaty。我以前用turbo tax的时候是直接把w2里的收入减5000,算好的表打出来,再加一张手填的表专门说明treaty,邮寄出去的
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-8 23:33:33编辑过]
page 13, article20 (c),这是treaty原文。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-9 0:41:27编辑过]
Q7:我家LD今年是F-1第6年,我现在是F-2,宝宝07年出生。 去年保税的时候,学校说要报single。今年LD就是resident了, 想请问是不是还是填single 还是可以claiming head of household?
A:如果你老公是F-1,还有宝宝的话,貌似不file jointly比较合算。
因为F-1的收入不会太高,减去5000treaty, 减去你老公和宝宝的3500*2 exemption,减去standardized deduction, 你的那份3500exemption应该省不了多少税。如果你file jointly的话,因为你没有SSN,你老公和宝宝的tax rebate 600+300就拿不到了。
A2:先拿到recovery rebate,再改为file jointly, 那个rebate不用退,irs网上说的。真够狡猾的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-9 10:34:48编辑过]
Q8: 5年的f1学生,如果自己缴纳了部分学费的话,听说有个什么学费部分免税的规定是么?是在哪个表格里亚?需要学校哪个部门给开什么证明么?
A: 有1098t,看有多少学费符合。然后可以选择是用tuition and fees deduction还是要education credit.1040表上都有说明。对比一下,选一个就好了。1098t可以去1098t.com上自己打印,如果有信息的话,或者去学校要,各学校可能会略有不同。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-9 10:35:12编辑过]
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