2004-08-06 00:06:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-6 0:14:17编辑过]
1. use reply...not fast reply at the bottom of a page
2. use ie
3. watch your image file size
4. don't forget to click "upload" button
let me know if you have other questions...
2. use ie
3. watch your image file size
4. don't forget to click "upload" button
let me know if you have other questions...
Ok, I guess this is really hard for me. I use reply, then browse, then 上传。 It only uploaded to a document file under personal control panel in this website.
Another question, How do you delete the documents in the file?
Thanks a lot.
Another question, How do you delete the documents in the file?
Thanks a lot.
if the upload is successful
in the textbox you are replying
there should be such tags
[Upload] file_url [/Upload]
if nothing appears, then your image size is too large
you need to resize your image...
and you have to be using IE while doing this
in the textbox you are replying
there should be such tags
[Upload] file_url [/Upload]
if nothing appears, then your image size is too large
you need to resize your image...
and you have to be using IE while doing this
like this
the ... is added by me ... for you to see the details of the tag
if you can see your files using user file management
you can even copy the file name
and type in the [upload] tags yourself
it works too
the ... is added by me ... for you to see the details of the tag
if you can see your files using user file management
you can even copy the file name
and type in the [upload] tags yourself
it works too
i saw the pic u uploaded le ya? why still ask?
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