Power Reading : The Best, Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective
2008-10-24 16:44:00
Power Reading : The Best, Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Course on Speedreading and Comprehension Ever Developed!
Author: Rick Ostrov
Language: English
Edition: Revised
Product Description
Power Reading is the best, fastest, easiest, most effective speedreading and comprehension course ever developed! Most people see amazing results in the first few days of the 30-day Power Reading course. Included in this unique speedreading course are the most effective techniques for comprehension improvement, study, note taking, test taking and retention in school, work or pleasure materials. Rick Ostrov has spent years teaching, working with and researching the top speedreading programs from around the world. Throughout his more than 30 years of instructing and research, personally teaching thousands of professionals, students, educators and families, he has distilled the most effective techniques into his Power Reading course. Power Reading is totally different than any other program because it teaches you in your own material while you actually study or read for school, work or for your own enjoyment! The Power Reading course focuses on increasing comprehension and study and technical reading skills, as well as teaching people how to read faster. Emphasis is placed on understanding and being able to use information as well as speedreading. Included are the most up to date and effective techniques for study, note taking, test taking, presentation and retention. Power Reading, as thousands of successful students have discovered, is the most effective speedreading and comprehension course ever developed! "
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