Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy
2008-11-04 17:07:00
Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy
Author: Bart A. Baggett
Language: English
Pages: 448
Product Description
Discover the Secrets to Being Rich and Happy! Happiness is a decision. Wealth is a choice. 23 chapters of of research, stories, and analysis of how you can implement the strategies to become more rich and more happy. Much more than we can every type here. 25 Universal Truths How to change your belief systems relating to money Change your rules for being happy. The trick to building assets and residual income. Why you might not want to be self-employed and how to save $ on your taxes. Lots of handwriting samples of rich and happy people (Oprah, John Gleen, Michael J. Fox, George W. Bush, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Helen Hunt, Drew Carey) Entire chapter on Health Habits of the World's healthiest people. The spiritual laws of success Finanical strategies you can use to day with no extra income Whymost people never get rich. How to control your emotional state at any time. Develop instant rapport using body language. Sooooo much more.
Discover the Secrets to Being Rich and Happy! Happiness is a decision. Wealth is a choice.
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