2008-06-23 19:55:00
我有几个历史题目不会做,请求高手帮忙,或者告诉我哪里可以找到有关的资料,因为我的这些题目需要写成essay形式的,我缺少资料,最好是中文资料,因为我英语不大好。 我的是美国大学的历史课, 课程名字叫:Themes in U.S.History
1. according to historian Bernard Bailyn and myself, many Americans viewd the events of the 1760s and 1770s as a conspiracy by British officials to take away American liberties. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Be sure to support your claims.
2. How radical was the aftermath of the American Revolution? Your answer must consider the political, social, and economic outcomes and consequences of the revolution as they played out in the 1780s and 1790s. For example, what did government look like after the revolution? How did common people fare in terms of political participation, social staus, and economic well-being?
3. What does the "NEW WORLD" symbolize for europeans and Native Americans?
Are you doing History 101? I guess you can find the answer in your text book. To reference any other documents, you probably want to check your school libaray. Otherwise, if you google some keywords, you can get a lot of information. YOur better bets are reading in English, not in Chinese.
The following link is one of them I found online:
good luck!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-23 20:26:56编辑过]
谢谢回复,因为我英语词汇量太少了,读英文很慢又累,所以想中文的,呵呵。 我那个老师很怪,教的东西都是textbook外面的东西,郁闷着呢
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