以下是引用heka在2009-9-19 20:45:00的发言:
你的免疫系统也许能够最终消灭细菌。不过细菌感染不象病毒,弄不好严重了会有其他 complication. 所以,一般细菌感染还是要抗生素的,没有别的办法。我现在就是这样,除了抗生素就没有别的办法了吗?
补充一下,如果肝脏不好的要注意 acetaminophen,这个对肝脏有损伤。小道消息FDA一直想把这个给撤了。雨花知道么?
以下是引用小飞飞在2009-9-19 21:52:00的发言:
补充一下,如果肝脏不好的要注意 acetaminophen,这个对肝脏有损伤。小道消息FDA一直想把这个给撤了。雨花知道么?
the suggested maximum acetaminophen dosage for adult was 4g/day. Recently, the practice is to counsel patient not to take more than 3g/day. Do not take alcohol while taking acetaminophen, since it will decrease the metabolism of the toxic metabolite. I think there is warning on the product label that if a patient has impaired liver function, he/she should ask a doctor before taking these products.补充一下,如果肝脏不好的要注意 acetaminophen,这个对肝脏有损伤。小道消息FDA一直想把这个给撤了。雨花知道么?
I never heard of that FDA want to withdraw acetaminophen from the market because of the potential hepatotoxicity. As long as you take it correctly and follow the packaging directions it is quite safe. Yes, for OTC drugs it is easier to over dose, but like the pediatric cough&cold products withdraw last year, it will not be completely withdraw, but just a product label change.
以下是引用triones55在2009-9-19 23:19:00的发言:
the suggested maximum acetaminophen dosage for adult was 4g/day. Recently, the practice is to counsel patient not to take more than 3g/day. Do not take alcohol while taking acetaminophen, since it will decrease the metabolism of the toxic metabolite. I think there is warning on the product label that if a patient has impaired liver function, he/she should ask a doctor before taking these products.
I never heard of that FDA want to withdraw acetaminophen from the market because of the potential hepatotoxicity. As long as you take it correctly and follow the packaging directions it is quite safe. Yes, for OTC drugs it is easier to over dose, but like the pediatric cough&cold products withdraw last year, it will not be completely withdraw, but just a product label change.
the suggested maximum acetaminophen dosage for adult was 4g/day. Recently, the practice is to counsel patient not to take more than 3g/day. Do not take alcohol while taking acetaminophen, since it will decrease the metabolism of the toxic metabolite. I think there is warning on the product label that if a patient has impaired liver function, he/she should ask a doctor before taking these products.
I never heard of that FDA want to withdraw acetaminophen from the market because of the potential hepatotoxicity. As long as you take it correctly and follow the packaging directions it is quite safe. Yes, for OTC drugs it is easier to over dose, but like the pediatric cough&cold products withdraw last year, it will not be completely withdraw, but just a product label change.
以下是引用小飞飞在2009-9-20 13:19:00的发言:
这个主要是说病人同时服用含有acetaminophen 的 Rx narcotic pain medicine,同时又用OTC acetaminophen containing pain medicine 而造成over dose的问题。这个在一直是我们的concern. 所以只要有机会cousel 拿 vicodine, percocet, darvocet一类药的病人的时候,都会告诉它们不要随便服用额外的OTC pain medication, especially those containing Tylenol or acetaminophen. remove all OTC cold and pain medicine containing acetaminophen,我觉得很不现实,所以这个应该不会发生。至于把所有narcotic combination里的 acetaminophen 都去掉,然后要求病人用narcotic的同时自己再额外买OTC acetaminophen. 病人也会有意见。呵呵,我觉得至少近期也不会实现。
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