回复 [url=]20楼baobaokitty的帖子[/url]
感觉united health care也不错啊。。。bcbs其实是一家家独立的小公司组成的,互相各自为营,如果不生病没什么问题还好,一遇到问题他们就各种扯皮,踢皮球,我遇到已经不止一次了。以前读博RA时用的就是bcbs,不得不买吧,学校只有这一个选择,5年总共才5个账单,他们拒付了3个,一个是26块钱,我自己付了。另外两个打了很多电话,他们每次都给出各种奇葩理由,第一次说我根本没买他们的保险(保险费都扣了,都有receipt,保险卡都收到了,有effective date),第二次打就说他们不管,让我打其它电话,给了我一个电话,我打过去,对方也说自己不管,又给我开始打的电话号码。第三次打呢就说不知道怎么回事,我问可不可以speak to your manager,他们说不可以。。。各种理由,我打到第四次他们才说是系统错误,会帮我更正过来。现在又是这样,除了我自己的账单,我家娃的账单现在也是拒付着呢(我们已经加进plan去了)。我第一次打说是系统错误,会帮我更正过来,会把钱付了。结果没付,被ped催,我又打,这个时候又说我家娃根本没加进plan里(我家娃的保险卡都收到了,没加进plan,你怎么把保险卡寄过来的呢?),我告诉他们保险卡都有,怎么会没加进来,然后他们又说系统错误,不关他们的事,让我去找state of maryland,鬼知道那是个什么鬼。。。我现在还没来得及管娃的账单。。。
楼主mm, 你还是应该去跟aetna交涉。跟你说下我自己的例子,我两年前生的孩子,也是自己学生保险,老公employment based 保险加我的名字。我理所当然认为是公司保险付钱,结果据了。打电话去问,说我有份保险是我名下的,那个是primary. 让我联系他们。我赶紧打了电话,学生保险的保险公司立刻说是的,他们付,让我打电话给医院让重新claim,然后就给付了。说这么多,希望给你个真实的例子参考。跟保险公司打交道不容易,mm good luck!
楼主mm, 你还是应该去跟aetna交涉。跟你说下我自己的例子,我两年前生的孩子,也是自己学生保险,老公employment based 保险加我的名字。我理所当然认为是公司保险付钱,结果据了。打电话去问,说我有份保险是我名下的,那个是primary. 让我联系他们。我赶紧打了电话,学生保险的保险公司立刻说是的,他们付,让我打电话给医院让重新claim,然后就给付了。说这么多,希望给你个真实的例子参考。跟保险公司打交道不容易,mm good luck!
appleseed88 发表于 12/20/2016 4:42:38 PM [url=][/url]
appleseed88 发表于 12/20/2016 4:42:38 PM [url=][/url]
谢谢mm!mm运气真好!打电话给他们,他们就付了。我其实也打过电话给aetna,他们就是拒付,给的理由是:student health plan is secondary to any other plan。。。
BCBS did right. Anata is right also but the provider billed to either of them wrong. At the same time, your husband should fill one form to show you have another insurance and this is secondary.
Anata rejected your bills mostly because your coverage is different.
Be patient and call Anata and ask them: 1) Why they think they are not secondary; 2) How will they pay if the doctor billed wrong and what doctor need to change, mostly the diagnosis, procedure, drug codes; 3) Call the billing department of the provider and a)tell them you have two insurance and ask them how to bill correctly for both of them; b) ask them what did they billed and write down all diagnosis and procedure codes; c) ask provider billing department if Anata is primary, what codes should they bill and what codes should they bill to BCBS;
Call Anata and ask to bring BCBS join the conference call to talk with each other, even the provider billing department.
All your bill face same situation: you assume BCBS is primary, and providers billed to BCBSA and they rejected. You need to fix this first.
Insurance company 100% follow the billing codes to pay and they have no right to change the claim codes from providers.
good luck.
Anata rejected your bills mostly because your coverage is different.
Be patient and call Anata and ask them: 1) Why they think they are not secondary; 2) How will they pay if the doctor billed wrong and what doctor need to change, mostly the diagnosis, procedure, drug codes; 3) Call the billing department of the provider and a)tell them you have two insurance and ask them how to bill correctly for both of them; b) ask them what did they billed and write down all diagnosis and procedure codes; c) ask provider billing department if Anata is primary, what codes should they bill and what codes should they bill to BCBS;
Call Anata and ask to bring BCBS join the conference call to talk with each other, even the provider billing department.
All your bill face same situation: you assume BCBS is primary, and providers billed to BCBSA and they rejected. You need to fix this first.
Insurance company 100% follow the billing codes to pay and they have no right to change the claim codes from providers.
good luck.
Looks like Aetna is the primary.
回复 [url=]1楼fayfaytu的帖子[/url]
Atena 是primary,bcbs 没有做错什么。即使是student health也是primary,因为另外一个保险,你不是subscriber,你老公是,你只是dependent。上面那个MM说的靠谱。bcbs躺枪。
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