你比family doctor知道的还多,呵呵。
1. f/u是定期检查的意思吗,GI是不是Gastroenterologist的简写
2. 好像没有测试能检查出我啥时 got infected? panel 结果只表明我过去感染过,现正在恢复,那我咋判断我是不是已转成慢性肝炎了呢?我现在的case到底有没有传染性呢?
3. 我2002年的HBsAg: negative, 但并有没有完整的panel信息, 可以排除我2002年以前感染吗?
4. 你建议我现在就去看speciallist, 还是三个月后测过后再去,这个我也在犹豫
5.我老婆查了她怀孕时去年8月做的test, HBsAg:NR. 那就说明截至那是她没事。但我已让她和OB联系,尽快测一下hbv panel,希望没事,然后建议她打从速打疫苗
6. 谢谢你提到baby的事。 这也是我最揪心的。 宝宝一出生就打第一次疫苗,到4个月时,已达了三次。应该打完疫苗了。
whether you know it or later will not change the management, 如果我理解的没错,现在让宝宝测和以后找机会抽血时在测,从治疗角度没区别,所以我不想现在折腾宝宝,太小。希望我理解的是对的。
7. 按照你的理解,我见专家的话,是不是要肝穿刺测试呢,不知道专家还能测试啥。我panel和B超都做过了。
Both your wife and baby need HBV booster every 5-10 years, because the HBs Ab titer gradually decrease and lose the protection effect finally. There is quantative test for HBs Ab titer now. Your wife can have the blood draw every 5 yrs and have booster if necessary. Your baby need at least one blood draw with HBV full panel (HBs Ab-Ag, HBV c Ab, E Ag and Ab) and HBV s Ab titer by age 1 1/2 to make sure there is protective titer of Ab. A booster is necessary immediately if S Ab titer is not high enough. Babies sometimes have problem of generating enough immune response because their systems are still in the developing stage.
Remember, the only protective Ab is HBV s Ab.
Moreoever, I would recommend you be cautious regarding close contact with your baby. Avoid your body fluid get into any skin broken area or mucosa of the baby.
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