brain tumor hospital
2008-06-17 12:42:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/21 13:05:00编辑过]
above has general ranking of cancer hospitals.
of course, neuro-oncology ranking usually about the same as the cancer ranking because they cover brain tumor too. Senator Kennedy had surgery in NC, Duke back treatment in MGH, of course they both are top-notch. BUt the waiting time and etc are problems for normal people. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DELAY TREATMENT.
are you sure they can afford it?!
It will cost millions of dollars to treat brain tumor in the US.
The best brain tumor cancer center is at Duke Univerisity. They have the best surgeons and research programs. That is why Senator kennedy chose to be operated at Duke instead of at Harvard.
Thank you for all your information! Really helpful!
I'll go telling them these hospitals. I am not sure whether they can afford it--millions of dollars is really a lot!--and the patients doesn't have insurance in US. Is there anything she can do about it (besides paying it all on herself)?
So for brain tumors that are not malignant, how big is the chance for surviving? And, after removing the tumor, do they often lose some function?
Sorry I can not type Chinese now, really thankful for your respondings!
How old is she? If she is still a kid, she can try ST. Jude Children's research hosipital. If you don't have enough money, their doctors often donate the surgey. A lot of other cost are also waved. They also have international program.
Oh, she is an adult, in her mid 40s, I think
But thanks for the information! The dr.s are so nice in St. Jude
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