2009-05-16 08:50:00
婆婆刚查出来有点胃溃疡,不知道能不能吃这个Prilosec? 我知道这个药是治heartburn的。我妈妈有慢性萎缩性胃炎,国内有一种药叫洛赛克,吃了好像还可以。不知道这个国内的洛赛克和美国这里药店卖的Prilosec 是不是一种药?这是over the counter 的药,如果可以治胃溃疡或胃炎,我就多买些给妈妈和婆婆带回国。
yes, she can. But if she does not improve in 2 weeks after medication, she need to see a doctor to make sure no bad ulcers or tumor.
There are also side effects as well even OTC drugs, don't take too much on your own..
Also, the medication should be given prior to breakfast.
There are also side effects as well even OTC drugs, don't take too much on your own..
Also, the medication should be given prior to breakfast.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-16 11:35:03编辑过]
洛赛克和美国这里药店卖的Prilosec 是一种药
如果是胃溃疡,最好检查一下有没有 h. pylori 感染。h. pylori (中文叫幽门螺旋菌吧),是导致胃癌的主要原因。如果有这个细菌感染,最好在用这类antacid的同时用抗生素治疗。这边一般是 amoxicillin + clarithromycin + proton pump inhibitor 大概疗程10天。
当然你可以先用prilosec两周看看效果。一般的acid reflux一般会respond well.如果2周后没啥效果,最好去查查有没有细菌感染了。
当然你可以先用prilosec两周看看效果。一般的acid reflux一般会respond well.如果2周后没啥效果,最好去查查有没有细菌感染了。
以下是引用cece07在2009-5-16 11:34:00的发言:
yes, she can. But if she does not improve in 2 weeks after medication, she need to see a doctor to make sure no bad ulcers or tumor.
There are also side effects as well even OTC drugs, don't take too much on your own..
Also, the medication should be given prior to breakfast.
exactly, hits all the counseling points for this medicine. yes, she can. But if she does not improve in 2 weeks after medication, she need to see a doctor to make sure no bad ulcers or tumor.
There are also side effects as well even OTC drugs, don't take too much on your own..
Also, the medication should be given prior to breakfast.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-16 11:35:03编辑过]
thank you all. The information is really helpful!
Both of the drugs have positive effect for people suffering from ulcer, even though they function in different ways. Prilosec has a long effect, around 12 hours and reduce the acid production. Tums is used to create a protective surface layer on the stomach wall and is short acting, so these two combined are producing a good effect.
prilosec 是一天一次的剂量,不像tums是说难受的时候吃.所以可以一起吃.
已奖励 by dudu
prilosec 是一天一次的剂量,不像tums是说难受的时候吃.所以可以一起吃.
已奖励 by dudu
[此贴子已经被dudu于2009-5-18 1:07:54编辑过]
以下是引用cece07在2009-5-16 14:25:00的发言:
Both of the drugs have positive effect for people suffering from ulcer, even though they function in different ways. Prilosec has a long effect, around 12 hours and reduce the acid production. Tums is used to create a protective surface layer on the stomach wall and is short acting, so these two combined are producing a good effect.
prilosec 是一天一次的剂量,不像tums是说难受的时候吃.所以可以一起吃.
谢谢!Both of the drugs have positive effect for people suffering from ulcer, even though they function in different ways. Prilosec has a long effect, around 12 hours and reduce the acid production. Tums is used to create a protective surface layer on the stomach wall and is short acting, so these two combined are producing a good effect.
prilosec 是一天一次的剂量,不像tums是说难受的时候吃.所以可以一起吃.
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