药房能不能把品牌药换成generic dispensed
2009-07-23 15:01:00
我跑回药房要求换药,护士说我包装撕开了不能换. 我说你们换牌子了也不跟我说一声,我根本没注意就撕开了,不是我的错啊,里面药片的包装还好好的.她又跟我说品脾要co-pay贵好多,我说没关系我付好了. 她又说她不能给我换包装撕开的药. 那我说找你的manager好了.manager要一个小时后回来,吃饭去了.NND,我还得跑一趟.
我查了下,pharmacy code是说可以用generic dispensed代替品牌药. 但我想这也要消费接受才行的吧,难道药房可以随意的把药换成其他牌子的,只要配方一样? 懂行的来说说看
Yes, they have the right. However, they should have told you about it.
I don't think it's a big deal for you, since the medicine is exactly the same in ingredients.
Yes, they have the right. However, they should have told you about it.
I don't think it's a big deal for you, since the medicine is exactly the same in ingredients.
this is not necessarily true. Brands do make difference for certain drugs. Plus generic and brand drug are only the same in active ingredients, but not in inactive ingredients.
this is not necessarily true. Brands do make difference for certain drugs. Plus generic and brand drug are only the same in active ingredients, but not in inactive ingredients.
for drugs with narrow therapeutic index such as synthroid, coumadin, digoxin, the pk profile difference might change the therapeutic effects greatly. so it is not good and generally not allowed to switch.
for drugs with novel delievery system. brand name drugs may have better absorption. But all generic need to pass bioequivalent test before going on the market.
for drugs like birth comtrol pills. I don't think the differences between brand name and generic are that big.
using generic saves you money and saves healthcare cost.
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