2009-07-26 12:18:00
我 做了一个outpatient surgery(术后不需要住院马上回家的那种),术后非常疼痛而不能立即下地用拐杖行走(如果可以行走就可以马上回家),术后我有吃止痛药(这个情况我 自己记不清了,是陪我手术的同学朋友在场说的,他们说我那时候护士问了我疼痛级别后拿止痛药给我,我没问太多就吃了),但住院后我坚持不服用止痛药而只服 用了缓解疼痛的Tylenol。当时我的主刀医生已离开,驻院医生不太了解我的手术情况,说那就住院吧。现在收到保险公司mail,说"we can not approve coverage for inpatient care after your surgery. This was not medically necessary. Your condition was stable. You took only Tylenol for pain. There were no signs of complications. It would have been safe to observe for possible complications in an ambulatory surgery setting."我不知道要如何和保险公司(Anthem BCBS)或者医院argue,恳请大家给我宝贵意见。详细过程如下,比较长,谢谢大家耐心看完:
我 是一名F1学生,本月7日做了坐膝盖前交叉韧带修复手术。这个手术是outpatient surgery(术后不需要住院马上回家的那种),全身麻醉。我的骨科医生诊所没有手术室,去的社区医院做的。当天的情况是:我术后从麻醉中迷迷糊糊地清 醒过来,这时有护士过来查看我情况,并让我服用止痛片。不一会就又有人来试图让我下地学用拐杖走路,我当时感到腿部剧痛,不能移动更不能下地,她还问了我 很多其它问题,比如家里有没有人照顾,家住几楼,有无电梯等。我回答说,我独自在美国读书,亲戚都不在身边,宿舍里有舍友,也是学生,白天要去学校只有我 独自在家;家住二楼,学校的宿舍,没有电梯,大概有20~30级楼梯。我这时就很委屈地哭了,说can i stay overnight in the hospital? I am so painful...她们看了这种情况,就去找医生了。过了一会,一个医生过来说他试图联系我的主刀医生,但我的主刀医生已经去vacation了联系不 上(我之前就听说我的主刀医生第二天要去开会),所以不知道我这个手术过程中到底有没有问题,鉴于我的情况,让我当晚住院(原话大概是,i can not catch your surgeon as he is out for vacation, so we have no idea what happened during your surgery. Just give her a bed. 最后这句是对护士说的)
然 后我就被推到了术后二期观察阶段,我这时有点清醒过来,就问了保险的事情,说这个保险如果不cover,我可能住不起。这个阶段的护士说她不太清楚费用, 让我打电话问保险公司,并让我说住院是necesary的问这种情况怎么样。就在我们打电话的时候,护士说了,医生已经下班了,就算我的保险不cover 住院费,她们也一定要遵从医嘱送我去住院部的。保险公司说,如果medically necessary的co-pay 250刀,其它完全cover。我的同学这时候都过来陪我,他们帮我问的保险公司。
我到了住院部,就保险问题又和我的住院护士确定了一 下。我说我是学生,自己负担不起住院费用的。那个护士对我的情况很同情,就在我换到住院部的病床之前去帮我问了,确定说我这个insurance plan能够cover住院费用,而且co-pay的250刀是整个住院过程,不管住几天。
I think you can appeal it. Even though you don't remember the attending doctor and nurses, your medical records would indicate that. Go to the hospital to request a copy of your medical records and see if it mention anything about your condition. If it doesn't, try to find the attending doctor to provide statement indicating you needed to stay in the hospital at the time. Give it a try.
I think getting a copy of the medical record is a good idea. When you were admited, there should be an admitting note indicating where your were admited written by an attending physician. You can try to ague with your insurance company based on the attending's admission note.
Another thing you can do if the insurance still refuses to cover is to negociate with the hospital. If you are just a F1, just claimed that you have no money and cannot afford it. They usually can decrease the charge.
One of my friend got a 50% decrease.
Another friend told me he just disregard all those bills and usually they will decrease the amount by themselves.
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