jo malone, chloe perfume
2009-12-31 09:41:00
Sorry I can't type in Chinese in office.
Does anyone want Jo Malone and Chloe perfume?
I have Jo Malone Red Roses 30ml, 95% new with box, good condition, bought at about $60, ask for $35+shipping (gone)
Jo Malone Jasmine & honeysuckle, very sweet and lady scent, 95% new with box, ask for $35+shipping (hold)
Chloe perfume 50ml, bought at about $90, 90% new with box, ask for $45+ shipping.
甜而不腻自然舒服的香,前调有点荔枝的甜,中调后调是温暖的花香,牡丹,荔枝,小苍兰,玫瑰,玉兰,铃兰的综合体,很女生,而且没有粉味,适合天气冷的时候用。 (gone)
If anyone interested, I will upload the photo tonight.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/1 11:09:48编辑过]
If no one interested, I will just keep them.......
hi, i want the red rose, :-) although I already have one, xixi
pls msg me if you make a decision, thx
这两个jo malone哪个比较淡?
I don't know which one 比较淡. Both last quite well.
Red Roses is famous, Jasmine & honeysuckle is good too, very suitable for winter time, warm, sweet and feminine~
I think cologne is for both sex.
But these two are absolutely for ladies~~~
I love them all, but I seldom wear perfume so I don't want to waste them.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/31 10:45:23编辑过]
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