BOF 介绍王一博 原文
Wang Yibo is a Chinese actor, singer and professional road motorcycle racer. Straddling the worlds of entertainment and sport, Wang has become one of the most in-demand celebrity ambassadors in China. By 2024, he had secured deals with fashion, luxury and sportswear brands including Chanel, Loewe, Jimmy Choo, Moncler, Lacoste and Anta. Furthering his endorsement credentials in the market, the star was tapped by the likes of Shu Uemura and Audi. Wang has graced the covers of the Chinese editions of GQ, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan, helping these and other magazines tap into his loyal following on social media platform Weibo, a number which surpassed 40 million people by 2024.
Having danced from a young age, Henan-born Wang took part in a national competition in his youth, which earned him an idol traineeship in hip hop. He was then trained in South Korea’s K-pop industry before making his debut as a member of the South Korean-Chinese boyband Uniq in 2014. But Wang became better known for his acting roles in Chinese TV dramas like The Untamed, Legend of Fei, Luoyang and War of Faith, as well as films like Hidden Blade and One and Only. Alongside acting, he has worked as a singer, songwriter and mentor on hit variety shows Produce 101 and Street Dance of China, and as a professional road motorcycle racer for the Yamaha China team.
时尚圈流行这样一句话:入门看VOGUE, 进阶看WWD, 专业看BoF。BoF的创始人Imran Amed曾经就职于麦肯锡,他将咨询公司的视角代入时尚媒体,因此BoF每天分享的内容不是时尚穿搭或最新好物,而是从商业视角和理性思维观察时尚现象、分析未来趋势,就连BoF的投资人也必须签署协议,不得干涉发布内容的公平公正,这也让BoF在短短的十几年间,成为世界上最具权威性的时尚媒体之一。
每年的BoF500 Gala几乎齐聚世界上最具影响力的时尚人物。它办得很低调,但逼格向来很高,相比明星荟萃的Met Gala,更聚焦于那些塑造了时尚行业格局的专业人士。路威酩轩集团(LVMH)的几位C-level人物,Tory Burch夫妻这样的权利cp,各大奢侈品的创意总监, 社交媒体上的话题人物以及最具话语权的时尚编辑们都是BoF500 Gala的座上宾。
BoF 500榜单又被称为“时尚行业权利榜”,对于时尚行业来说,BoF 500榜单的含金量不亚于福布斯富豪榜之于财富圈、奥斯卡奖之于演艺界、威尼斯电影节金狮奖之于专业导演。被评上BoF 500的,无一不是塑造全球时尚产业、具有强大号召力的行业领袖。
前BoF中国编辑主管曾经在一次采访中透露BoF 500榜单的评选标准:
“凡是能够获得BoF 500榜单提名的人选,我们都会参考对方的相关数据,其中包括社交媒体影响力、代言品牌的数量、这一年来登上杂志封面的数量,以及在时尚产业中所取得的成就。但是我们最终考量的还是他自身与时尚结合的程度,和他在时尚行业中的价值所在。另外,最初名单的推选,我们会首先在内部进行提名,也会邀请过往的BoF 500的成员进行推荐,但最终起决定性作用的,则是当选人物的影响力以及其自身与众不同的风格定位。”
简而言之,BoF 500和它所属的媒体一样公平独立,不受投资和赞助的影响,甚至很多入选者从未和BoF有过联系就直接收到颁奖邀约电话。
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