2010-10-21 01:22:00
mm不是要等backorder item吗?I thought you wanted me to hold on shipping until your items all come (Most people mean doing so if they tell me to wait for the backorder items). An option is to cancel the backorder item.
As I called firemountaingems this Monday, they said your backorder item (blue druk glass) will be back in stock in the first week of Nov. and probably will be shipped the following week. I should receive it the 2nd week or the third week of Nov. mm Would you still like to wait?
Another option is to ship the current one now, wait for the backorder and ship the backorder as I receive it. But That will increase your shipping cost. Let me know what you would like me to do. Thanks啦.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/21 11:46:13编辑过]
To glory mm, FYI, you backorder items will be back in stock the first week of Nov. too. I do not remember if I replied your last msg regarding if the stuff is in my way. (sorry I always get to many messages in my msg box, hard to track down).
But..I will keep your 8 items in my house until your backorders come, then I will ship them together. Unless you want me to ship the current 8 items now, and ship the 2 backorders later on as I receive them.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/21 11:43:35编辑过]
可惜我没经验,买了好多不能用的,不然可能也象ido mm 那样昨晚就激动地动手啦。:) 考拉mm 说要搭配一下才好,我就是不会搭配呀,你们赶快多发点作品,让我学习学习。
可惜我没经验,买了好多不能用的,不然可能也象ido mm 那样昨晚就激动地动手啦。:) 考拉mm 说要搭配一下才好,我就是不会搭配呀,你们赶快多发点作品,让我学习学习。
也不是不能用, 就是得屯着, 等到哪天突然发现, 奥可以用在这里!!!! 我也屯了好多. 还有就是如果实在看着麻烦, 可以添好return form寄回火山, 火山会refund我, 然后我refund你.
当然来去邮费mm就损失了, 火山不会管你.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/21 11:41:45编辑过]
可惜我没经验,买了好多不能用的,不然可能也象ido mm 那样昨晚就激动地动手啦。:) 考拉mm 说要搭配一下才好,我就是不会搭配呀,你们赶快多发点作品,让我学习学习。
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