[分享]What are the Best Oils for Your Skin?
2007-05-01 14:54:00
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from care2.com
The only way to find the best oils for your skin is to go to a health food store and buy a variety and see how they feel. Your skin will "tell" you when you have found the best ones for you. Join with some friends for this experiment, and share the cost.
Here are some suggested oils to try:
almond oil; apricot kernel oil (great for sensitive and older skin);
avocado oil (one of the most moisturizing oils and good for older skin);
cocoa butter (protective and water repellent);
grapeseed oil (a dry oil, good so the cream isn't too greasy);
jojoba (actually a liquid wax and good to use so the cream isn't too greasy);
peanut oil (good for all skin types);
sesame oil (natural sunscreen); Shea butter (natural sunscreen);
and wheat germ oil (high in vitamins and minerals).
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-1 15:45:46编辑过]
头一回发帖, ,
from care2.com
The only way to find the best oils for your skin is to go to a health food store and buy a variety and see how they feel. Your skin will "tell" you when you have found the best ones for you. Join with some friends for this experiment, and share the cost.
Here are some suggested oils to try:
almond oil; apricot kernel oil (great for sensitive and older skin);
avocado oil (one of the most moisturizing oils and good for older skin);
cocoa butter (protective and water repellent);
grapeseed oil (a dry oil, good so the cream isn't too greasy);
jojoba (actually a liquid wax and good to use so the cream isn't too greasy);
peanut oil (good for all skin types);
sesame oil (natural sunscreen); Shea butter (natural sunscreen);
and wheat germ oil (high in vitamins and minerals).
Thank you for sharing, my dear
Our skin may not neccessary needs oil, instead moist (i.e. floral water, lotion or gel...) oil would be nice to conceal water tight under the skin.
My personal opinion - apart from sesame seed oil and grapeseed oil the rest were heavy. It would be nice to apply a thin layer on the back of your palm (don't rub!). Check if the oil penetrates slow/fast to decide which is most suitable as our skin condition is affected by our menstrual cycle.
Not sure if Shea butter has sunscreening ability?!
谢谢楼上mm建议,忘了说顶楼的是给dry skin的。
对了,menstrual cycle期间是不是最好不用精油?
Menstrual period 每个人的感觉,周期未必相同。 有些人会有经痛(严重的可以像产前阵痛一般痛苦),有些只有腰酸,有些幸运的若无其事的度过
Suggest, ideal way to replanish moist lost (causes dried skin or dehydration) either floral water an have sufficient fluid in take.
If dry/dehydrated skin is cause by climate, use floral water first then conceal with oil for longer and better results.
Skin dehydration (if not due to climate factors) is an alarm to your health! dont you think health is more important?
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