FromNatureWithLove.com 20% off
2007-09-07 17:36:00
in this issue:
10 years already!
Wow...it's hard for Jay and I to believe that FromNatureWithLove.com is 10 years old already!
Little did my husband Jay and I know that a hidden blessing was taking place 11 years ago when our daughter unfortunately developed eczema. Conventional products were not working and seemed to make her situation worse. It was through that experience that we first researched and explored the use of natural ingredients including vegetable butters and oils and discovered how effective they were in helping her situation. That fueled our passion to learn more about natural skin care. But quickly, we discovered how difficult it was for businesses and hobbyists to find superior quality ingredients priced competitively and offered in a size range that met with their special needs. So, in 1997, we established FNWL as a family owned company (as it remains to this day) with a small selection of natural ingredients and supplies. During these past ten years, FNWL has grown significantly and has moved from its original, smaller warehouse location in NY to its larger facility in CT. FNWL now offers nearly 2,000 products including conventional and organic natural ingredients, complementary ingredients including fragrance oils, equipment, packaging, bath accessories and a large selection of books.
I'd like to take a moment to sincerely thank you for being a friend and customer of FromNatureWithLove.com. Your loyal patronage, suggestions and feedback are a huge part of our success.
As our way of expressing our appreciation at this special time in the history of our company, all orders that you place during the month of September will include a free gift (it's a gift, so please let us have fun by surprising you!).
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-7 17:36:44编辑过]
我种一下草吧. 我在它家买的花水(lavender, witch hezel)味道都很正, 比MRH的强. 此外还买了芦荟水, 基底油, 各种clay, herb做面膜都不错的. 还有各种调配花水精油的瓶瓶罐罐. 另外它家甚至还有买防晒霜的原料Low Micron Zinc Oxide, 可惜现在oos了, 我还没来得及配, 以后有空用个再来这里谈心得.
它家的coupon就是起点太高了, 我还用不上
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-8 17:10:03编辑过]
我种一下草吧. 我在它家买的花水(lavender, witch hezel)味道都很正, 比MRH的强. 此外还买了芦荟水, 基底油, 各种clay, herb做面膜都不错的. 另外它家甚至还有买防晒霜的原料Low Micron Zinc Oxide, 可惜现在oos了, 我还没来得及配, 以后有空用个再来这里谈心得.
它家的coupon就是起点太高了, 我还用不上
en, 花水(lavender, witch hezel) 现在都oos
有1:1的芦荟水, 是水状的, 不是胶状的, 觉得水状的更天然
en, 花水(lavender, witch hezel) 现在都oos
With Hazel现在还有货呀
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