2004-03-11 23:51:00
这里有没有JM对精油感兴趣?乱七八糟的买了一大堆了,用在CONDITIONER和BODY LOTION里效果还不错,就是直接往脸上招呼的还差点,谁来给说说?
i use lavender, clary sage and sandalwood in the conditioner. it makes my hair very smooth and shining
以下是引用maygloria在3/12/2004 8:18:38 AM的发言:
i use lavender, clary sage and sandalwood in the conditioner. it makes my hair very smooth and shining
i use lavender, clary sage and sandalwood in the conditioner. it makes my hair very smooth and shining
i bought essential oil online, free shipping over $45, strongly recommend "10ML ESSENTIAL OIL KITS & CARRYING CASE". then find a glass bottle (no plastic!), i use EL bottle (150ml), good enough for me. put essential oil into bottle first, such as lavendar, sandalwood, etc. 5-7 drops each oil, then carrier oil, around 60-80 drops, mix them. fill the bottle with conditioner, mix again. use it as regular conditioner.
BTW, who can tell me how i can find chinese type in winxp? can't stand typing english about fashion anymore!!
BTW, who can tell me how i can find chinese type in winxp? can't stand typing english about fashion anymore!!
[此贴子已经被作者于3/12/2004 10:05:41 AM编辑过]
go to control panel, select Regional Options
then choose Input Locales
choose add and then
in keyboard layout/IME, choose chinese simplified
you are done then~
my default switch between chinese/english is ctrl+space key
then choose Input Locales
choose add and then
in keyboard layout/IME, choose chinese simplified
you are done then~
my default switch between chinese/english is ctrl+space key
以下是引用Chanel在3/12/2004 10:14:12 AM的发言:
go to control panel, select Regional Options
then choose Input Locales
choose add and then
in keyboard layout/IME, choose chinese simplified
you are done then~
my default switch between chinese/english is ctrl+space key
go to control panel, select Regional Options
then choose Input Locales
choose add and then
in keyboard layout/IME, choose chinese simplified
you are done then~
my default switch between chinese/english is ctrl+space key
couldn't find it. they have french, spanish, even finland, but no chinese!!!!! can't belive my eyes!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于3/12/2004 10:29:03 AM编辑过]
去download一个 NJStar Communicator.
不会呀,winxp是unicode, 应该所有都带,除非你们公司特意去掉了?@@
以下是引用Chanel在3/12/2004 10:47:10 AM的发言:
不会呀,winxp是unicode, 应该所有都带,除非你们公司特意去掉了?@@
不会呀,winxp是unicode, 应该所有都带,除非你们公司特意去掉了?@@
looked again, still couldn't find it. anyway, i'm going to move to open cubic next week, better be LAOSHI from now on
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