Say It Right —— 来说说名字模模糊糊种类繁多的柑橘类
2010-02-15 11:29:00
Nelly Furtado这首歌真是应景。这么多种类的橘,橙,甜橙,苦橙,众多的名字确实让我头疼了很久,加上地理分布和植物杂交更是繁杂!但是对于这么重要的一类植物,能就这么模模糊糊过去吗?Let's say it right, babe!
In the day, in the night
Say it right, say it all
You either got it or you don't
You either stand or you fall
When your will is broken
When it slips from your hands
When there's no time for joking
There's a hole in the plan
I can't say that I'm not lost and found
I can't say that I don't love the light and the dark
I can't that I don't know that I am alive
And all of what I feel I could show you tonight
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 14:33:56编辑过]
对于这个citrus的genus(种属),大多认为是原产东南亚地区,当然里面也有区别和变种。包括(from wiki)大概3个亚种(sub species):
1. Citrus,是一大类的柑橘类,今天说的就在这类里面。很少有纯种的植物,很多都是杂交植物。常见的有:
(1)Citrus aurantifolia – 也就是常说的lime,也做Key Lime。这个名字让我想起来Florida keys, 几年前还去那里玩还吃了当地的key lime pie,不过这个植物是原产与东南亚。
(2)Citrus maxima – Pomelo(柚子,不同与grapefruit西柚),Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis,又叫做Chinese gragefruit,是原产与东南亚的一种植物。这种植物被认为是‘纯种’,很多其他的柑橘类植物是从这个植物和别的杂交而来的。
(3)Citrus medica – Citron(佛手? citrus medica)也是不同的植物,但是也是citrus这个genus的,可以来做柚子茶,是原产于东南亚的。
(4)Citrus reticulata – Mandarin orange, 这个就是我们所说的中国橘。下面会再说。
(5)Citrus trifoliata –也叫Chinese bitter orange, trifoliate orange,原产于中国北部和韩国。
(6)Citrus limon 柠檬,源于东南亚和中国,后传入欧洲等地。包括很多变种。
(7)citrus aurantium,这个是一类的植物,也叫苦橙(bitter orange),有别于上面说的chinese bitter orange(trifoliate orange),下面会具体说。
(8)Citrus australasica – Finger Lime ,
(9)Citrus australis – Australian Round Lime,
(10)Citrus glauca – Desert Lime。
2. Microcitrus
Kumquats, 金桔和橘是不同的品种,是属于一个不同的genus Fortunella。但是同是中国南方的植物,而后来被欧洲引进的。这是中国南方过年非常广泛的植物,取其意“吉”。说起这个植物,前几天喉咙痛,还在想喝咸金桔呢。
3. Papedas
是东南亚和印度的,有Citrus halimii 和Citrus indica。比较少见。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 19:53:48编辑过]
二: 橘的分类
1. Mikan,satsuma,也叫无核橘,温州蜜柑,始于中国温州,后传入日本,后带到世界各个地方。Owari是其中一种。
2. Clementine:始于中国广东广西,后来在西方栽培为seedless品种。
3. Tangerine. 最早在中国,日本。后来传入欧洲,北美。
4. Tangor, 也叫temple orange,杂交mandarin 和common orange。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 19:55:17编辑过]
Orange or Sweet Orange,甜橙。Citrus × sinensis,据说是pomelo和tangerine的杂交品种,也叫做Chinese apple。很早就在中国药典里面有记载,李时珍写,皮干可以入药。用来治疗咳嗽,胸痛,气管疾病。宋朝周邦彦的《少年游》:“并刀如水,吴盐胜雪,纤手破新橙”。橙在整个东南亚都盛产,当时现在世界产量最高的是巴西和米国,而中国只占第五,仅高于西班牙。
blood orange, (血橙?),因为含anthocyanin这种色素而颜色特别深。
Navel orange, (脐橙?),因为大里面根部有一个小橙,是一种seedless的变种。
Persian orange
和Valencia orange. 2种都在欧洲较为普遍。
最后说个甜橙杂交品种,grapefruit葡萄柚,Citrus × paradisi (C. maxima × C. × sinensis): 是pomelo和甜橙的杂交。美国是葡萄柚产量最大的国家,常见的品种是ruby red,中国产量第二。
new zealand grapefruit
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 20:10:04编辑过]
甜橙更加广泛的用在食物上面,而苦橙更加多用来入药,在食品里面用来曾味。苦橙,Bitter orange, Citrus aurantium,名字来区别甜橙。
Citrus aurantium subsp. amara,就是我们最常说的苦橙。而精油是从果实(bitter orange), 叶子(petitgrain,苦澄叶),花朵(orange blossom, neroli,橙花)提取来的。
bitter orange在中药里面用干皮入药,用来处理消化系统的问题。最早起源于中国和印度,后来在地中海地区和美国被广泛的种植。
C. aurantium subsp. bergamia,就是我们说的佛手柑,但是属于苦橙这一类的。最常见就是在earl grey tea里面。原产与亚洲,在欧洲被发扬光大。
Citrus aurantium var. myrtifolia,也叫myrtle-leaved orange tree。源于中国,在Italy被普及,现在最广泛的用途是用于饮品里面,酸酸甜甜的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 20:07:17编辑过]
五。Lemon 和lime
Citrus limon 柠檬,源于东南亚和中国,后传入欧洲等地,主要在地中海地区,尤其是spain, portugal。含5%的柠檬酸(citric acid),ph值介于2-3,是酸度非常强的果实。lemon包括很多变种。比如meyer lemon, 是lemon和mandarin 或者sweet orange的杂交。源于中国,1908传入美国,常用于家用烹调。
Lime 是一大类的总称,其中最常见的是Citrus aurantifolia,也就是Key lime,还有上面说的australia limes, 但是基本上都是杂交品种。可能源于南亚热带国家,现在广泛与世界各地,最多的是florida, cuba, central America, italy等国家。常见变种有sweet lime (citrus limetta),也做italian lemon,产的精油叫limette。
还有kaffir lime (citrus hystrix),也叫leech-lime,中国叫箭叶橙,产的精油叫combava。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 20:04:51编辑过]
Which essential oils belong to the Citrus Family?
Bergamot, Blood Orange, Citronella, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin Orange, Neroli, Pink Grapefruit, Sweet Orange and Tangerine essential oils.
What do the Different Citrus Essential Oils have in Common?
Citrus essential oils have many properties and benefits in common, such as:
- Skin: beneficial for anti-aging, acne, oily or dull skin, dermatitis, scars and stretch marks.
- Insects: repel insects and treat the itching and inflammation from bites and stings.
- Antioxidant: support the immune system, to fight colds and flu virus, bronchitis and fevers.
- Digestive system: relieve diarrhea, constipation, and gas. Stimulate organs to work smoothly.
- Circulatory system: stimulate function of organs, help detox the body.
- Infections: they are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.
- Sedative and calming: relax muscles, arthritis and rheumatism, reduce stress and anxiety and promote peaceful feelings.
- Energizing: Uplifting energy, promote happy, positive feelings.
How Do Citrus Oils Differ?
Although overall citrus oils have very similar properties, some are stronger, or are more effective at relieving certain symptoms or conditions than others. Here are some of the ways:
Bergamot: is the essence flavor in Earl Grey tea. It calms and restores your energy.
Blood Orange: super antioxidant properties, due to red color and Anthocyanin that even slows growth of cancer cells!
Citronella: is well known for it’s insect repellant properties. Among its many other properties it’s an antibacterial and antiseptic
Lemon: brings both low blood pressure and high blood pressure into normal balance.
Lemongrass: has a light and fresh lemony smell. It is stimulating, relaxing, soothing, and balancing.
Lime: powerful for skin care, especially for treating acne, fading scars and stretch marks.
Mandarin Orange: Similar to Sweet Orange, but more intense aroma and effectiveness.
Neroli: Most potent aroma, with floral notes, wonderful for fragrances and aromatherapy.
Pink Grapefruit: Highly effective for obesity, water retention and stimulates digestion.
Sweet Orange: Gentler, more subtle overall effect.
Tangerine: Best for calming children and teens, especially for naps and bedtime.
Citrus oils pair very well as a top note fragrance for florals, like Rose, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, and Neroli oil, as well as with spicy oils like Ginger, Clove, Coriander, Black Pepper and Cinnamon Leaf. They also combine well with other citrus oils for aromatherapy, massage oil or a bath additive.
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