mm, I don't want to with you. You are right, but you just make me feeling bad. I said it is my fault, I should not do this. I just can not help being upset.
I am not Daigo for a living (as I told you before I am not a professional buyer for you). I don't think if I accept $1 DAIGOU from you, I should mail the polo as my first priority and make sure you get it, otherwise you have the right to question me, criticize me, and annoy me. That's too much for $1 and it hurt.
By the way, I don't think you paid me DAIGOU.
the polo is 9.99*0.75*1.0775=$8.07, postage is $2.54. total is $10.61. you paid me $11. There is only $0.49 left, it is barely enough to buy a decent envelope from store. I made you the envelope by myself because I don't want to go to store to buy one. I didn't ask for anything after I mailed it you. It does not worth it.
mm, please stop. let everybody including you rest.
sorry, I can not input Chinese here.
As I said on your message, if shipping fee is not enough, please let me know
and also on you message ,
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-25 16:58:39编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-25 22:46:13编辑过]
I said you are right. mm. I am not good at arguing with you. Just whatever you want, I will try my best to satisfy you. Could you please delete my paypal email? thanks.
不用再争了了。这是一个互相信任的问题,就像卖家说她16号寄出而你不相信一样,那她除了shipping label是拿不出什么其他证据了啊。如果万一这个包裹真的在路上丢了,你是不是还要怀疑卖家是不是真的寄出了?“只要8月底能收到就好”,如果没收到呢?
mm, I don't want to with you. You are right, but you just make me feeling bad. I said it is my fault, I should not do this. I just can not help being upset.
I am not 代购 for a living (as I told you before I am not a professional buyer for you). I don't think if I accept 1块钱代购费 from you, I should mail the polo as my first priority and make sure you get it, otherwise you have the right to question me, criticize me, and annoy me, it is too much. 1块钱代购费 does not give you the right to treat other people like that and it hurt.
By the way, I don't think you paid me DAIGOU.
the polo is 9.99*0.75*1.0775=$8.07, postage is $2.54. total is $10.61. you paid me $11. There is only $0.49 left, it is barely enough to buy a decent envelope from store. I made you the envelope by myself because I don't want to go to store to buy one. I didn't ask for anything after I mailed it you. It does not worth it.
mm, please stop. let everybody including you rest.
sorry, I can not input Chinese here.
close huaren and go have not be have fulfilled your obligation..when you look back in a month, you would regret you keep following this post..just not worth it..
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