OSCCF前线快报翻译贴(URL, terminology)
2008-05-16 13:12:00
Translation Terminology - thanks to xyin
余震 aftershock
震中 epicenter
死亡人数 death toll
塌方 landslide
泥石流 mudslide
幸存者 survivors
受灾者 victims
四川地震救灾前线 Sichuan Earth Relief Front
灾区 disaster area
救援人员 rescuer
救援小组 rescue team
搜救犬 rescue dog
志愿者 volunteer
撤离 evacuation
疫情 Epidemic situation
消毒品 sanitizers
防护口罩 protective masks
防护手套 protective gloves
脱脂棉 absorbent cotton balls
隔离衣??? scrub, separation coat
水靴 waterproof boots
护目镜 goggles
消毒液 disinfection products
消毒 Disinfection
医用酒精 rubbing alcohol
药品 medical supplies
绷带 bandage
消毒 Disinfection
骨科医生 Orthopedist
神经外科医师 Neurosurgeon
ICU专家 ICU specialists
脑外科医生 Brain surgeon
2。每个快报,除了full version, 要有一个short version,2-3句话总结情况,便于没时间的人迅速掌握动向。
[此贴子已经被wineheart于2008-5-19 12:38:04编辑过]
2008.05.15. 下午17:26 一位OSCCF志愿者随着进入了北川县,他们都带着消毒用品,接受了防疫培训----
2008.05.15 傍晚19:24 北川
2008.05.15 晚上20:25 北川
我们现在在北川县中学,一座四层楼已经挖到底。上午救出来7个孩子,都活着。刚才又挖出来两个孩子,却已经……那些年轻的士兵们都累得摇摇晃晃,但是他们 挖得非常仔细,每一个孩子都保护得非常好,包括那些明知道已经没有生命迹象的孩子,对遗体也保护得很好,呵护得很仔细……
2008.05.15 晚上23:08 北川
现场比电视上看到的惨一百倍、不止一百倍,我们都傻了,哭不出来。我们身处的这个小县城里,有至少两万军人们拼了全力24小时地挖,但是人力不及天力,这 个城已死。我们想不明白,一个地震怎么就能变成这样?我无法吃,无法睡,无法相信,只剩下唯一一个念头:多运物资!除此之外,什么也做不了。
2008.05.15 晚上23:46 北川
幼儿园和小学的孩子可能没什么机会了。人力挖不开,落下的石头比房子还大。路被山的塌方冲没了,要清理是不可能的任务,这就意味着大型机械进不来。大型机 械进不来,那孩子们……我跟赶来救援的一队天津特警们谈了谈,他们200人的特警队伍,光从县城边缘进入中心就连走带爬地花了好几个小时,接着又36小时 不吃不睡才挖出了几个孩子,他们可算是精兵啊。
2008.05.15 下午15:26 绵阳
快报2 - washer - page 6 floor 60
我们一上午都在北川一中消毒,下午在整个县城里消毒。今天早上6点,消防员们在北川一中又挖出十几个死去的孩子,都是高一高二年级。然后就换军人来挖。9 点多的时候挖出一个活的学生,我没看到不知是男是女;看来也许还有生还者,大概因为四川天气潮湿,不容易脱水,生命可以维持更长时间。大型的切割机已经进 北川县城。被泥石流所覆盖的县城,据说八成以上的人从一开始就没有希望。
我们救援人员们都确认北川的灾情是最严重的,比汶川惨的多,现在最急需的医疗防护品。现在进入了疫情期,天气又很炎热,有上千军人和消防员还没有防护口 罩、防护手套和隔离衣;;所谓的防护服等也品质很差,希望有企业或公司能提供精良的设施和质量好的搜救服及防护服等。
北川的曲江小学,我进塌陷的楼里看了看,也是下面两层陷入地裂。塌陷上层的孩子们已经被消防员救出,余下的其他能看见的孩子都是已经被砸成了几块。那些小 手看着还很稚嫩,我为孩子做了祈祷,希望他们走的不痛苦!出去以后,我又再找到搜救犬小分队,请他们重新带狗来搜一搜,不过听队员们说,狗狗有时候分不清 楚昏迷和死亡。我离开这个小学时,两个妈妈还在一遍遍呼唤孩子,二十多人的搜救犬小分队还在继续搜索。
快报3 - xyin - Page 5 Floor 47
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 16:40:34编辑过]
The disaster site was so much miserable than what you saw on TV, more than 100 times worse. We were totally stunned, speechless and we even forgot how to cry.
In Beichuan, the PLA (Chinese Military) dug out seven children alive in Middle high school. Kids in the Kindergartens and primary schools in Beichuan may not have survived since the rock is even bigger than the house. At Meiyang, the kids in the welfare place are well and were transferred to a safe place by PLA and police.
Let’s give a big round of applause to our soldiers.
2008.05.15. 下午17:26 一位OSCCF志愿者随着进入了北川县,他们都带着消毒用品,接受了防疫培训----
Date: May15, 2008, 27:26 PM local time, one OSCCF volunteer followed into Beijuan county. They all brought anti-bacteria Stuff and were trained for special immune program.
In the road that we were hardly moving forwards, we saw over 10 trucks full of firemen coming and over 10 trucks full of suppliers. We felt a little better. Since the local has limited gasoline supply, we only add a little gasoline after waiting for two hours. The gasoline is only enough for one way but not our way back.
2008.05.15 傍晚19:24 北川
Date May 15, 19:24 PM Beichuan
Working gloves are in urgent need. Most rescue soldiers are using their bare hands for rescue. So many injured people and so many kids couldn’t find their relatives. Any moment people could die.
2008.05.15 晚上20:25 北川
Date: May 15, 20:25 PM Beichuan
We are now at Beichuan Middle School. The rescue team has dug to the bottom of a 4-store building. In the morning, we dug out 7 kids and they are all alive. We just dug out 2 more kids, but they were … All these young solders were very tired and were barely standing steadily. But they were digging into the building very carefully; every kid is protected very well, including those without life sign. They wanted to protect the bodies very well; they took good care of them…
2008.05.15 晚上23:08 北川
The disaster site was so much miserable than what you saw on TV, more than 100 times worse. We were totally stunned, speechless; we even forgot how to cry. This small county we were in, over 20,000 military forces are spending 24 hours on digging into the building. However, human seems so breakable to the nature force. The whole city is dead. We just don’t understand , how come one earthquake could change the world like that? I cannot eat, cannot sleep, cannot believe, only one thing in my mind: move more supplies over! Beside this, I couldn’t do anything.
2008.05.15 晚上23:46 北川
23:46Pm, May 15, 2008, Beichuan
Kids in the Kindergartens and primary schools may not have the chance to survive. The falling rocks are even bigger than the house and it is almost impossible to lift or remove them without special large equipment. All roads to the disaster areas were destroyed by the mudslides. To clean these roads seems an impossible mission, which again means that the must-needed large rescue equipment cannot be brought into these areas. Without the equipment, the lives of the kids ... I talked with the just arrived rescue team, a special police from Tianjin. The special police team of 200 members has spent many hours to walk and climb from the outskirt of the town to downtown. After arrival, they immediately started the rescue continuously for about 36 hours without food and sleep, however only dug out few kids. Notice that they are the best force.
If this earthquake is a punishment, everywhere completely destroyed, no chance, nothing left to people, why let the kids bear this punishment? The kids are the angels.
2008.05.15 下午15:26 绵阳
Our volunteers have located urgently needed 700,000 - 800,000(Yuan) medicine. The medicine would arrive as early as tomorrow. More is needed. We need your help. All the kids were safe at the welfare place in Mianyang; no one was injured. They were transferred to a safety place by the lovely PLA(Chinese Military) and police. The building is still standing, only some cracks. In a stadium, which hosts all the survivors, we were so overwhelmed, tired, we saw so many misfortunes, so many misfortunes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 16:12:04编辑过]
I will translate the Day 1.
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