Nevertheless, it is disturbing to find that although under 4 percent of boys are molested by men, a recent major study found that the rate of childhood molestation by men among homosexual or bisexual men was nearly ten times that (35 percent). It is also notable that 75 percent of homosexual men report their first homosexual experience prior to the age of sixteen, as compared to 22 percent of heterosexual men reporting their first heterosexual experience. (5)
(5) Dr. Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow? (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1995) p. 148, see also 114-115; the reference to “4%” comes from a study by J. M. Siegal, et al., “the Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Assault,” American Journal of Epidemiology 126 (December, 1986): 1141-1153. The numbers on homosexual abuse come from L.S. Doll, et all, “Self-Reported Childhood and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Among Adult Homosexual and Bisexual Men,’ Child Abuse and Neglect 16, (1992), p. 855-64; and the numbers on age of first sexual experience from D.P. McWhirter and A. M. Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prengice-Hall, 1984), pp, 269 and 271.
snakeblue 发表于 11/4/2014 1:12:57 PM [url=][/url]
说的是在所有男人里,4%承认小时候被男人性骚扰过。 35% 的男同性恋/双性恋承认小时候被男人性骚扰过。
child molester确实是异性恋和双性恋男人犯的更多。但是那是因为同性恋只占到人口的3%。
Homosexuality ‘youth-oriented’?
“Research on the homosexual lifestyle confirms it is almost exclusively a youth-oriented culture,” Baldwin wrote. “Very few gays exhibit preference for older men.”
“Some admit to focus on teenage boys,” he said, “some on prepubescent boys, and many cross over between categories.”
A 1988 study detailed in Baldwin’s report found that most pedophiles even consider themselves to be “gay.” According to the study, “Archives of Sexual Behavior,” some 86 percent of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Also, the study found, the number of teenage male prostitutes who identify as homosexuals has risen from 10 percent to 60 percent in the past 15 years.
Read more at [url=][/url]
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