wow..i met the main character "Carrie" in closed distance...she doesn't look like a 40-year old woman...she is short and very skinny in person
You mean she looks older or younger? As women get older, it is better to put on some fat, which is good for the skin and figure.
aglee. 偶开始也巨烦SAMANTHA, 喜欢CHARLOTTE漂亮可爱。 越往后看越觉得SAMANTHA独立,勇敢; 反观CHARLOTTE, 先是结婚前跟婆婆对PRENUP讨价还价, 离婚后又从前夫那里分财产, 其实是个彻头彻尾的物质女郎。
至於CARRIE, 不怕众FANS拍我, 我觉得她蛮假天真的。 就象她自己写的 34 GOING ON 13。 都快40的人了, 还学小女孩得婚姻恐惧症。 SJP本人也就是那个样子, WHAT A PRETENTIOUS LADY! CARRIE这个角色还非她莫属。 顺便8一下, 当年她确实曾经差点嫁给小肯尼迪, 因为JACKIE嫌弃她只是个跳舞的反对才未成。 不过如果真嫁了, 恐怕活不到今天罗。 MIRANDA我也很烦, 整天拉着张脸, 自私自利的。 不过结婚之后好像有所改观。
常有女生跟我提这部戏, 要么是SLUTTY GIRL 为了标榜自己有品, 要么是纯洁女孩子向我表明如何的不理解和厌恶这4个老女人。 我觉得戏里好看的是FASHION, 偶尔会有一些确实有现实意义的思考, 有些对白听了让人哑然失笑, 应该说还是很有看头的。如果把它当DRAMA看, 还身临其境的替CARRIE挑老公的话, 那就太浪费感情了。
I like Carrie, her style, her character!!
我同意,我很喜欢SJP, 戏里面的每个女性都喜欢...她们的友谊, 对自己的爱惜,跌到了再爬起来的勇气...Miranda也很可爱啊...自己身边也有那种成绩很好,其他方面都比较迟钝, 打扮一下其实也很PP的大大咧咧的朋友...
En! I like them, too. And it is not a young girls' show for those who think she is old.
Kim Cattrall (Samantha) 绝对不胖。就是她个子高,显得大只一点。她都50多的人了,能保持成那样真不简单。她在电视里喜欢穿比较flashy的套装。
我比较喜欢Carrie和Charlotte的有些衣服。Kristin Davis长得很甜美,上半身也不错,就是小象腿,所以她穿裙子好看,穿牛仔裤就不行。Charlotte在电视里也说"I hate my thighs",呵呵
Cynthia Nixon (Miranda) 倒是身材长相都一般,不过她在这里演律师,一般穿的比较正式。她演技也还不错,演什么像什么
Totally agree. I love Carrie's style. There is always a pleasant surprise in her style. Never Boring.
I'm going to buy Sex and the City DVD just to study her style.
Charlatte is the one I like next. Her style is classy and sweet. She wears dress suites and knee high coat a lot.
It was brightening to see her wearing sports clothes the other day with a stripe scarf.
(I'm going to get a stripe scarf too... )
Symantha's style is sexy and flashing. She wears hot pink a lot, matching her blonde hair perfectly.
It's amazing that she is over 50 now. What an encouragement to woman!
I don't like Miranda's style and personality. She's boring and always complaining....
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